[Fluff] Revolutionary Romance ~ America X Reader

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Note: You're Prussia and Germany's little sister.

[Warning: None]

(Y/n)'s POV
"Bruder? Where are you going?" I asked. I was a young nation. The albino stopped and turned around. "I'm going to the New World to train another nation." Said Prussia. "Can I come?" I asked. "Don't you want to stay home with Germany?" Said Prussia. I shook my head. "Nein. I want to stay with you." I said honestly. Prussia sighed. "Bitte! I won't be a hassle! I'm just curious about the New World." I said. "Just let her go Bruder or she'll find a way to follow you." Sighed Germany. Prussia sighed and smiled. "Ah fine! But you better not get in my way you little pest!" Teased Prussia. I laughed. "I promise!"

I honestly haven't been as excited as I was then. I was slightly homesick for a small while when we were on the ship, on our way to the colony called America. The crew was really nice to me since I was a nation and I was Prussia's little sister. I skipped to the edge of the boat. I stayed out at the open sea. I squinted at the distance. "Still trying to find land?" Teased Prussia who stood beside me. "Ja. I can't wait. I'm going to see land first! Do think the new nation is nice?" I asked. "I can't say for certain but I've heard he's soft so I've gotta toughen him up." Said Prussia. "Don't make him stone! I wanna be friends with him!" I said. "Oh? Will I have to be worried that you'll have a bit of a 'fancy' on him?" Teased Prussia. My face flushed. "Shut up!" I lightly punched Prussia. He laughed. "Aw c'mon. I'm just wondering sis! You're a young nation and he is too! Same age as I've heard. It's only natural..." Teased Prussia. I rolled my eyes. "That doesn't mean anything." I said. "Suuuuuuure." Said Prussia rolling eyes. I puffed my cheeks. I looked out at the sea. Wait... Land! I saw land! "Land! I see land!" I yelled as I pointed outwards. Prussia jumped and the crew started rushing about. "Wow. Guess you were right. You saw land first." Said Prussia. I grinned.

We soon docked up and got on land. "Do I have to wear this?" I hissed. I was wearing a dress that had a white torso with a corset like top over it and a red skirt with simple black flats. "Ja. We must be respectful. Now stop slouching." Said Prussia. "Gilbert Beilschmidt, the most reckless person I know, telling me to stop slouching so we can be respectful. Jeez. Do you have a fever?" I teased. He chuckled. "Don't tell Germany. He'll go nuts." Chuckled Prussia. I snickered. "Sir? Miss? We're docked and they're wanting to see you." Said someone apart of the crew. "Tell them we're on our way." Said Prussia. "Yes sir!" They ran off. Prussia grinned. "Shall we Itain?" Said Prussia. I nodded and we headed off the boat.

I saw three men. Old Fritz(Fredrick II), another man and a young boy who was around the same age as me. "Prussia. This is George Washington." Said Old Fritz referring to the man beside him. "And this is America." The young nation waved. "It is nice to meet you Mr Washington." Said Prussia shaking the man's hand. He nodded respectively. "And it is also nice to meet you America." Said Prussia shaking the nation's hand. "It is nice to be of aqu-acquaintance to you Mr Prussia!" Greeted America as he struggled with the word acquaintance. I giggled at him. He blushed as he looked to the ground. "This is my younger sister Itain." Said Prussia as he introduced me. "Nice to meet you Mister Wash-Washington." I said, stumbling on Washington with my accent. The man smiled and nodded respectively. America giggled. I blushed. I turned to America. "And it's nice to meet you America." I said. "Likewise, it is a pleasure to be acquainted with you." Said America smiling brightly. I smiled back. "America. Prussia will be training you from now on." Said George Washington. "Ja. I will warn you, my training will be torture." Warned Prussia. America nodded. The three older men went off to talk about important stuff. "Itain, America. You two stay here, will you?" Said Old Fritz. We nodded as we were left to our own devices. "So... What would you like to do?" Asked America. I shrugged. "I'm not sure. What is there to do?" I asked. He grinned. "Would you like a tour?" Asked America. I smiled and nodded. "Take me away!" I exclaimed. He showed me around a town and we chatted.

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