[Fluff] Truthful Training Trials ~ Germany X Reader

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Note: Nothing actually. Just try saying that title 5 times fast.

[Warning: Slight Mature Language and a couple of small innuendos because why not?]

(Y/n)'s POV
I panted as I ran down the track. "Run faster!" Ordered Germany who was jogging behind us. I groaned and did so. "Germaaaaaany! Do I have tooooooo?" Whined Italy. "I would advise you to do so Italy-San. We do not want to agitate Germany-san any more." Advised Japan quietly. Italy pouted. "But I'm tired!" Whined Italy. "And hungry! I wanna have some pastaaaaa!" I rolled my eyes in amusement. "Run faster and maybe Germany will stop training early." I whispered to Italy. A wide smile grew across his face. "Ve!" He sped down the track. "Psst Japan." I whispered. "Hai?" "If you run faster, I'll get you that manga you want." I suggested. "Will you?" Asked Japan, hiding his excitement. I nodded. "Yep. I promise." I whispered. He ran faster and soon was catching up to Italy. I giggled. I started running faster. I knew this would be making things for Germany easier. That was my reward. Knowing I was helping him.

I grunted as I tried to run faster. My balance had started to wobble. "Itain! Put your back into it!" Ordered Germany. "Aye, Sir!" I yelled as I tried to run faster. I hissed as I could feel my legs starting to hurt. Push past it. Ignore the pain. I tried to catch up with the two other nations. My left foot caught against the back of my other ankle and I tripped, my left foot landing in the ground as I tried to balance myself again only to twist my ankle and fall. I yelled in pain. I grunted as I sat up. "Itain! Get up soldier!" Exclaimed Germany, not noticing my pain as he jogged past me. "Aye!" I yelled back as I got up, limping slightly as I tried to run again. I didn't want to disappoint him. I tried to catch up before stopping from the pain. I groaned. He turned, noticing I wasn't running. "Itain! Why have you stopped?" Exclaimed Germany. "Sorry. Just give me a moment." I grunted. He looked at my ankle, noticing it swelling up. "Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded. "Fine. Completely fine. I'm just going to start again- ack!" I fell as I tried to run again. "Itain!" Exclaimed Germany in surprise as he jogged over. He knelt down. "Your ankle. What did you do?" Asked Germany. I sat up. "It's fine. I'm fine. Just let me get up. I can finish the lap-" "Nein. You fell earlier. You twisted it, didn't you?" Said Germany interrupting me. I sighed. "Yeah." I sighed in defeat. "Give me it." He ordered. I shifted and he took my foot onto his knee. He pulled the trainer off so it wouldn't get in the way and gently prodded at the swelling. I hissed. His hands were cool which felt nice against the heat on my swollen ankle. "You've sprained it. You dummkopf. Why didn't you tell me you twisted it?" Said Germany. "Didn't want you to worry..." I muttered. He rolled his eyes. "Dummkopf." He mumbled. "We better get you in the house with an ice pack to stop the swelling." Said Germany as he put my trainer back on. "Fine..." I sighed.

Germany helped me back up onto my good foot before he picked me up. I squealed and covered my face to mask the growing blush. "This is quicker and we don't want you hurting yourself again." Said Germany. "Italy! Japan! Training's done for today!" Yelled Germany. The two nations jogged over to us. "What happen to Itain?!" Exclaimed Italy worried. "She sprained her ankle." Said Germany. "I'll run ahead and get some ice for her ankle." Said Japan before he jogged ahead to the house.

Italy saw my blushing face and giggled. "Shut up Italy..." I growled. He giggled. "Heeeeey Germany?" Said Italy. "Ja Italy?" Said Germany. "I think you should carry Itain around more often! She looks like she likes it!" Giggled Italy. "Shut your mouth Italia!" I yelled as I tried to cover my blushing face. Germany looked at me. "Itain? Are you alright? Do you have a fever too?" Said Germany. "I'm fine!" I squeaked. I internally cursed my high pitch voice. "I don't think you are. I gotta check you for a temperature." Said Germany. He closed his eyes and placed his forehead on mine, feeling for any temperature. My face reddened. Italy giggled. "You feel warm but not too bad." Commented Germany as he pulled away. I covered my face with my hands. "I'm fine!" I exclaimed. Germany carried me inside and we went into the living room. Japan came into the room with an ice pack. "Why is Itain-san blushing?" Asked Japan. Germany blushed. "You're blushing?" Said Germany. I let out a frustrated noise. "Fever! It's a fever as you said! I am in no way blushing!" I exclaimed, covering my face. Germany set me down on to couch. "Japan just give me the ice pack." I squeaked as I took off my trainer. He did so and I pressed it against my ankle. I jumped at the cold but sighed. Germany went to ask me something before Italy stepped in. "Germany! Can I make some pasta?" Asked Italy. "Uh Ja." Said Germany. Italy cheered before running off. Germany sighed. "I better make sure he doesn't mess up the kitchen..." Muttered Germany as he walked away. I looked down as he left. I sighed.

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