[Fluff] A Not-So-Blind Date ~ Spain X Reader

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Note: Twin Sister Of Romano and sister to Veneziano. You were a territory of Spain's after he conquered your land before you gained independence with Romano.

Also PruMano mentioned.

[Warning: Mature Language, Implied Smut and Heated Kissing]

(Y/n)'s POV
That fucker. Screw him. I hate him! I hate him! I growled as I stormed through the tomato vine maze. I am a hot blooded Italian who represents Itain! A stupid Spaniard shouldn't be making me like this! I'm a Vargas! Get it together girl!

I let out a strangled whine. I puffed my cheeks as I flopped onto a bench. Stupid Spain... Stupid... I sighed. Tension slid out of my body as put my head in my hands. Stupid...

Spain had commented at how I had grown alongside Romano. Saying how cute we used to be. And then he had the audacity to comment at how I was still single while Romano was with Prussia. I ended up yelling at him how I can be single if I wanted to and I could easily get a partner easily. I huffed. The only reason I hadn't gotten into a relationship was that I was already in love... That stupid Spaniard.

I sighed and closed my eyes. The hot sun didn't feel nice. It was too hot. And I was too tired to go back to the air conditioned house. I groaned as I laid down on the bench, my eyes closed with my arm over my eyes. I sighed. Stupid Spain... Stupid.... Why did he have to be so lovable and cute.... Stupid...

Time Skip ~ Spain's POV
Itain groaned as she snuggled closer to me. I chuckled. The familiar voice made her smile. She was so cute when she smiled. I was gently carrying her inside. "You're so cute. If only you smiled more often..." I sighed. "Mmh... Spain...." She murmured. Aw. "Aw... You're dreaming about Boss..." I chuckled as she snuggled closer. "Stupid... Stupid Spain... I don't want that... That man is annoying..." She groaned. "Mmh? What am I doing in your dream Hermosa?" I commented. "Stupid.. I don't want to go out on this blind... Date.... Idiota..." She mumbled. Oh? I was making her go on a blind date? "I just wanna stay home.... With you... Criticising all the dancers on tv..." I want that too.... Itain sniffed as tears fell. "T-Toni... I don't wanna go out because... Ti amo Toni... I'm sorry..." Itain sobbed in her sleep. She hid her face into my shirt and sobbed. "Don't hate me... I'm sorry..." She sobbed. I gasped. She loved me? Then why... Oh. I sat down with her in arms and tried to sooth her as she sobbed in her sleep. She was scared that I would hate her... I sighed before smiling. I had the perfect idea.

(Y/n)'s POV
My eyes fluttered open as I awoke. I stared up at captivating emerald orbs before my brain caught up with me. I shrieked as I pushed away from Spain, falling onto the ground. "P-p-p-pervert! What the hell?! Were you watching me sleep!?" I shrieked. "Oh no! I just carried you from the garden and inside! You fell asleep outside! I swear my intentions were pure!" Exclaimed Spain raising his hands in surrender. I huffed, not wanting to deal with this crap after my nightmare. "Are you alright Chica? You were crying in your sleep." Asked Spain. "Huh?" I reached up and noticed my cheeks were wet from tears. Spain took my hands, kneeling next to me. "What was your dream about?" Asked Spain worried. "Nothing! I'm fine jerk! Fuck off!" I yelled, pushing him away. "I'm going to my room! Don't fucking follow me!" I yelled, running away.

I ran to my room. Well it was my old room. I used to be one of Spain's territories like Romano. Since my land is close to Spain's land, I often stayed with him. I sighed as I slid down the door. Tears fell from my eyes. That nightmare felt so real... I hid my face in my knees as I sobbed quietly. I was so scared. I didn't want to lose Spain but at the same time I was so in love with him that it hurt. If I told him my feelings, he would never speak to me again.

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