[Fluff] Tender Tea ~ England X Reader

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[Warning: Slight Mature language and Implied Smut]

(Y/n)'s POV
I sighed as I stared at the world globe in front of me. I had to get out of this house. The door opened and I perked up. "Oh (Y/n)!" Sang my brother. A head popped into the room and I saw the blond blue eyed man who was my brother. "Francis!" I squealed as I jumped up and ran over to my brother. He chuckled and put his case of work down and hugged me. "I missed you Frère." I said. "I missed you too Sœur." Said Francis. I broke the hug and smiled. "How was the world meeting?" I asked. "Ah Boring and hectic as usual Mon cher." Chuckled Francis. "Aw. I wish you bring me along so I could see what happens. " I commented. Francis frowned. "Itain. You know I don't want you coming-" "So I don't get into any wars. I know. But the only nations I'm allowed to interact with is You, Canada and Spain on some occasions when you two hang out. I'm a strong country France." I said. He gave me a worried look. "I know. And I don't doubt that. I just don't want you getting hurt." Said France taking my hands in his. "But I won't! I've helped you fight off wars before France. I know you stopped others hurting my land by putting yourself on the line. I can't stay locked up in the house just doing work for my nation forever." I said. He looked to the ground. "I know." He said. I took his head in my hands and lifted his head to face me. "France. It's just a meeting. It's not a battlefield." I said. He nodded. "I know. I know. Just let me think for a moment." Said Francis as he walked away. I sighed and went back to the globe. Please say yes...

Time Skip
I was reading a book when I heard Francis talking to someone over the phone. I couldn't quite make it out what he was saying from how quiet he was being. Suddenly I heard the phone get out down and Francis walked into the room. I looked up from my book, setting the bookmark in it. He sighed. "Get your things ready for next week. We have a meeting with other nations at Canada's place." He said. I blinked, the information taking a moment to registered in my head. I jumped up and hugged him. "Merci! Merci! Merci!" I squealed. He laughed. "It's no problem. If it makes you happy, then I am happy." Said Francis. I smiled brightly. "Merci Francis." I said much more calmer. He smiled. "Well I must get some paperwork done now before dinner. I'll call you when I've made dinner." Said Francis before he walked away.

I was silent for a moment. I quickly checked that Francis had gone before rushing over to my desk. I kneel down and opened a drawer. I moved whatever was it it away to reveal a locked storage. I took the key from around my neck and unlocked it. I opened it up to reveal lots of books. I smiled at them. I heard about the nation behind these books. Francis had wars with them but never told me anything about them. I picked up a book. It was one of my favourites. Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. It was an original in pristine condition. I held it close. I've always wanted to meet this nation. And now I can! I squealed as I locked the cabinet in my drawer and closed it. I rushed to my bedroom, holding the book close. I got out a suitcase and got out some clothes for the trip. Warm fuzzy clothes since it was cold at Canada's place and because it was November so it was winter. I quickly hid my book with my underwear. Francis would never look there. I couldn't let him know of my book. I wasn't sure why but I just knew he couldn't know. I zipped up the suitcase. I rocked on my the balls of my feet. I was excited. I couldn't wait.

Time Skip
I skipped as Francis and I walked to the conference. "I hope they like me!" I said excitedly. Francis chuckled. "They'll adore you. Trust me." Said Francis. I grinned widely. I held my notebook and pen close. We walked into the conference room and I could feel stares me. France lead me to my seat which was next to his. I gently put my notebook and pen down and looked around. I smiled as I saw a familiar face. "Canada!!" I exclaimed as I ran over to the blond. He jumped at the sound of his name and almost fell when I tackled him into a hug. "Hey. I wasn't expecting you to be here." He said quietly but happily. I smiled at him. "Frère let me come!" I said. "Yo bro! Who's the girl?" Said a loud male. I let Canada go to see a Blond man with glasses. He looked like Canada slightly. "This is Itain. France's sister." Said Canada. "Woah! I didn't know France had a sister!" Exclaimed the man. I giggled. "Yeah. He likes to keep me a secret to protect me." I said. "Well there's no need to. I'm America! Canada's brother!" Said America. I squealed. "I have another nephew!" I squealed as I hugged America. He laughed. "Should I call you Aunty then?" Joked America. I let him go. "No no. Itain is fine. That'll make me seem old when I'm not. France is the old one." I said.

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