The Secret 2- Part 8

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Aiden and I were outside just chilling when I heard a sudden shout from Dad,

'Maria, Aiden! There's a letter for you two.'

For a moment Aiden and I stared at each other then we smiled at each other and ran to Dad. We knew that it was the results if we are going to Dayton High or not. We both grabbed the letter from Dad. I stared at the address and took a deep breath. I heard Aiden rip open the envelop. He studied the letter for a few minites and shouted, 'Mum! I got in!!'

I could see the excitement in his eyes and I could tell he was happy. I took another deep breath and tore the envelop. I slowly opened the letter and read the letter.

'Well?! Did you pass?!' Dad asked smiling at me.

Everyone was quiet for a minute as they awaited for my answer. I placed the letter down on the table and stared at them all. Their eyes were wide open and I could see a smile in their faces. I slowly nodded my head, 'One hundred percent!'

'Honey, WELL DONE!' Dad smiled as he he have me a quick hug.

'Maria, Honey, Well done! I knew you could do it!' Lauren winked at me.

'One-hundred percent?! I only got eighty-three percent!' Aiden laughed as he gave me a quick hug.

I sighed and sat down on the sofa.

'Honey, what's wrong?!'

'I can't go to Dayton High.' I mumbled.

'Why not?' Dad asked.

'Dad, we don't have enough money.' I sighed.

Lauren sat down on the sofa next to me. She placed her arm around me and smiled, 'Honey, I told you. I'll pay for it.'

'Lauren, it's fi-'

'Maria, I'm paying for it and there's nothing you can do about it!' Lauren snapped.

I smiled at her, 'Thanks Lauren. But I promise, I'll find a job and I'll pay you every penny back.'

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