The Secret 2- Part 26

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I slowly walked as I saw my house from a distance. I walked home all on my own today. I usually walk with Aiden but I guess he went without me. Before we fell out, I said to meet after school at the gates. I waited for almost fifteen minutes but he never came so I just walked off. As I got to my house I knocked on the door. Dad opened the door. I walked in and placed my bags on the sofa. Aiden was sat down on the sofa with his phone. I think he was texting someone. Lauren was outside. I sat down next to Aiden and said, 'Aiden, I'm so-'

But he just moved away from me and walked off. I frowned as I stared at Dad.

'Are you guys ok?' Dad raised his eyebrow as he sat down next to me.

'We've fallen out.'


'I forgot about him, Dad!' I sobbed.

'Maria, you solved your problem before when we were still in england. You can do it again.' He winked.

'I hope so, Dad.' I said.

I walked outside but Aiden was no where to be seen. Outside our house was a parked limousine. It looked like Austin's limo.

'Austin?! Is he here?!' I thought.

I walked over to the garden and spotted Aiden sat down on a bench. He was with a girl and she looked familiar. It was Isabella. I stared at them for a minute. They were laughing and looked like they were having a great time.

'You know, you're such a great guy Aiden. Any girl would be lucky to have you.' Isabella flirted as she winked at Aiden.

Aiden just laughed and said, 'Thank you! Any boy would be lucky to spend time with you. Do you want to go into town on saturday?'

She nodded her head. I felt a tear drop down to my cheek. Saturdays were mine and Aiden's special day together. We always go into town together but I guess not this week. I wiped the tear and walked off...

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