The Secret 2- Part 32

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*Queen's P.O.V*

I sat down on the window sill and leaned the side of my forehead against the window. I stared at the bright, blue, clear sky and glanced at the flying birds.

'Oh, Amelia. Happy birthday, my dear.' I muttered as a tear dropped from my eyes.

'I miss you so much! I can't believe it's been sixteen years and I'm still in grief. I feel like your still here!' I mumbled as I looked up at the sky.

I cried some more and glared at the clouds slowly moving away.

'If only I could see you one last time!' I whispered as if I was talking to my daughter.

The door opened. A servant with a tray walked in.

'Your majesty your lunch is ready.' She smiled.

I didn't look at her but continued to look outside.

'Your majesty?' She repeated.

I quickly wiped the tears. 'I don't want to eat.' I mumbled.

'But your majesty, the King told me to feed you.'

She walked up to me with the tray of food on her hands. She sat by me and placed the tray on a nearby table. She grabbed the bowl with chicken soup and scooped a bit of soup onto a spoon. She slowly moved the spoon closer to my mouth with the bowl following incase it dropped anywhere. I frowned at her and threw the bowl on the floor.

'What part of, I don't want to eat do you not understand?!' I yelled. 'YOU'RE FIRED! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!' I continued.

I got up and walked off slamming the door behind me.

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