The Secret 2- Part 45

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Austin raised his eyebrow at me as I placed a burger in front of him. He looked around and stared at the other people in the fast-food restaurant. He cringed as he glanced at an old man munching on his burger. 'What the hell do you call this?!' He snapped. I just laughed at him and said, 'You've never had a burger in your whole life?!' He shook his head, 'You're so missing out! Try it!!' I laughed. He got the burger and faked a smile at me. I could tell that he wasn't too keen in wanting to eat the burger. 'Come-on! It's delicious. Just take a bite, if you don't like it, spit it out!' I smiled. 'Ok.' He took a deep breath and slowly bit into the burger. He slowly munched then swallowed. He looked surprised! 'Wow! That's good!!' He laughed. He took another bite and smiled at me. 'Are you actually serious?! You've never had a burger in your whole life?!' I raised my eyebrow at him. 'No. My mom and dad says that I should never eat fast-food because it's not real meat.' 'What?! What do they mean it's not REAL meat?' I laughed. 'Because it's full of fat!' He laughed. 'Wow, your parents are pretty strict.' 'Yeah! They expect everything from me. And I have to follow everything they tell me to do.' He frowned as he finished his burger. I smiled at him and placed my hand over his shoulder. 'Do what YOU want to do. Not what they want to do because at the end of the day it's your life, no one else's. 'That's pretty deep coming from you!' He teased me. 'Shut up!' We both laughed. 'No but really.. Thanks Maria. I guess you're right.' He smiled. I smiled back and checked the time. 'We should probably get back. Next lessons in fifteen minutes. We both got up and took a taxi back to school. When we got to the entrance we tip-toed to the gates and climbed. As we got to the corner the bodyguards stopped us. They didn't seem too happy.

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