The Secret 2- Part 29

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It rained last night and you know what that means.. puddles. I hate the rain, it's so depressing! I was about to cross the road when I spotted a black limousine go pass me. Its wheels splashed against the big puddle in front of me and sprayed all over my clothes. I stared at the window as I saw my reflection on the limousine. I looked terrible. My light blue jumper was splattered with mud stains.

*The Queen's P.O.V*

'Amelia?!' I thought, as I saw a blonde haired girl on the pavement get splashed with water from the wheels of the limousine.

'Stop the car!!' I screamed as I turned around to look at the girl I just saw.

'Mom! What are you doing?!'

'Isabella, just wait a second!' I said.

The driver quickly parked the limo and I stepped out the car. I sprinted towards the girl I just saw. People stared and crowded me. I heard people shout, 'Guys, it's the Queen!!'

I ignored them and carried on walking. I walked through the corridors with two bodyguards trailing behind me. I looked over at the lockers and spotted a blonde haired girl with a light blue jumper. I couldn't see her face as she was turned around but I quickly walked over to her.

'Amelia?!' I asked. I grabbed her arm and she turned around.

It was a different girl, 'Your majesty!' She screamed.

I sighed as my butler caught up with me.

'I'm sorry, dear child.' He apologized to the girl and said to me, 'Your majesty, the press are arriving. We must leave!'

I rolled my eyes at him and made my way back to the limousine.

*Maria's P.O.V*

I spotted Emma standing by the lockers. 'Emma, what's going on?! Why's everyone screaming?'

'The Queen's here.'

'Oh my cookie, really?! Where?!'

'She's gone. She thought I was some girl called, Amelia.' She pulled a confused face.


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