The Secret 2- Part 37

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I wiped the surfaces of the tables in the living room making sure there was no spot of dust. I admired the big furnitures and carefully brushed the duster along it. I smiled as I saw the bright sun streaking in to the room. It's golden colour shimmered against the chandeliers lighting the room with happiness. I got down on my knees and used a wet mop to clean the floor. Suddenly, I heard quiet taps against the floor. It was the sound of high heels tapping rapidly as it walked closer and closer to me. I turned around and realised it was Isabella. I quickly looked back on the floor pretending that I didn't know it was her. The taps stopped. I realised she was right behind me as I gazed at the shadow in front of me. She grabbed my hair and I squeeled in agony. 'Isabella! Let go off me!' I screamed. 'What the hell are you doing, in MY house?!' She yelled. 'I work here!' I mumbled. 'Oh.. Do you now?' She laughed, 'So... let me get this right. First you steal Austin from me and now you're stealing my house from me. I know your type, Maria. You may fool everyone with your innocent looks and attitude but you ain't fooling me, girl!' She said. 'What are you talking about!' I screamed. 'Come-on. There's only us two here! No need to act.' She winked. I raised my eyebrow at her but she just laughed. 'I know girls like you, Maria! You take people for granted and use them so they can give you expensive gifts and stuff.' 'ISABELLA, I'm not like that!' I yelled. 'I know what Austin got you for your birthday. You don't know how expensive that dress was. You probably forced him to get you a present.' She frowned at me. 'Isabella, trust me! I'm not like that!' I yelled. She pulled my hair harder and I screamed louder. 'What is going on here?!' The Queen yelled as she walked down the stairs. Isabella quickly let go off me and quickly said, 'Mom, she started it!' 'Is this true, Maria?' She raised her eyebrow. 'Your majesty.. I.. I w.. wa-' 'Yes?!' 'I was just cleaning the floor when Isabella just suddenly grabbed my hair and started pulling it.' I avoided making eye contact. She looked at Isabella and raised her eyebrow. 'Well? Isabella is this true?' She asked. Isabella looked down on the floor. 'ISABELLA?!' She yelled. Isabella then looked at the queen, 'Mom! You're suppose to be on my side! We're a team remember!' She whined. 'Appologise!' The Queen looked very angry. 'No! Never!' Isabella rolled her eyes at me and walked off. 'Are you ok?' The Queen asked. I nodded and smiled. She gave me a hug and whispered, 'Don't worry. Isabella is usually nice. She just maybe isn't used to you having around.' I slowly nodded my head, 'I understand.'

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