Chapter 1

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*I do not own Marianas Trench or any of their lyrics, members, hearts or anything. No matter how much I want to*

“Drum roll please!”

Everyone stood around the counter and started beating the surface with their hands. I pushed the “clock out” button on the touch screen and everyone cheered.

“I’m going to miss you so much!” Katie said as she hugged me.

“I’m going to miss you guys too! Work definitely won’t be the same without you.” I said sadly.

I had been working here since I was eighteen. It was the first real job I ever had.

“You won’t replace me, will you?” Katie asked.

“Of course not! How could I ever do that?” I asked.

Katie was a key holder and my first friend here. We actually became really close and hang out quite a bit outside of work, but that will change once I move to Vancouver.

It’s kind of a huge deal, seeing how I’m currently living in Austin, Texas. Not only will I be leaving the country, but I’ll be leaving every single one of my friends and family. I have absolutely no ties to Canada except for all my favorite bands were from there. I just need a change of scenery (even though I’m staying within the same company, I just got a job transfer).

“Ready to go home?” Katie asked after I finished saying goodbye to everyone.

I took one last look around at the store and everyone standing in front of me and smiled, “Yeah, I think so.”

Katie was nice enough to let me move in with her for my last couple of weeks in the States. She and my other best friend Jake helped me pack up all my stuff in my apartment so I could just ship it to a storage bin in Vancouver. They were both so amazing to me; it was really hard to think about not seeing them every day.

Jake and I have known each other since fourth grade but only really clicked with each other the summer before my sophomore year of high school. Since then, we’ve been attached at the hip. We said we were the same person just split into two different people, me being the brains, him being the brawn. How on earth were we going to function like this?

I was quiet most of the drive back to Katie’s while music played softly in the background. Katie grinned and started fiddling with her iPod.

“What are you smiling about?” I asked curiously.

“I refuse to have one of my last few car rides with you be any different from our other trips together.” she said as her smile widened.

I knew what this meant and couldn’t help but smirk. I turned up the volume just to be ready for whatever she had planned for me.

“This one goes out to you, Em!” Katie said enthusiastically as she hit play.

“Don’t patronize, I realize” We started singing loudly together with huge grins on our faces.

“All to Myself” by Marianas Trench was definitely a pick-me-up song and helped lighten the mood. I would be lying if I said that band had nothing to do with my choice to move to Vancouver.

They are easily my favorite band in the world. All Trenchers know that you can’t just casually like them. I don’t want to call what I feel an obsession just because I don’t like that word. I prefer… appreciative? Passionate? Oh hell, who cares? I’m obsessed.

When we pulled up to Katie’s apartment, I saw Jake leaning against his car in the parking lot with flowers in his hand which caused me to smile and Katie to laugh.

“Why aren’t you guys together yet?” she asked as she pulled into a parking spot.

“Because we love each other too much.” I laughed as I got out the car.

Jake and I just function in a different way than everyone else. We are very similar (sometimes scary similar) and just can’t see each other as more than friends. I mean, if we’re like the same person, dating him would be like dating me and that is something that I’m not ok with.

I skipped over to hug him as he gave me the flowers.

“It’s a little going away bouquet. I figured you needed one last amazingly sweet gesture from me before you left.” He smiled.

“Aww, I’m going to miss you so much, Jakey!” I hugged him again.

“Who wouldn’t?” he laughed.

Jake spent the night at Katie’s with us so he could drive us to the airport in the morning. I sadly had a super early flight so I didn’t get to spend much time with him on my last day because of work. The three of us squeezed onto Katie’s full sized bed with me in the middle. I couldn’t sleep that night, I was too anxious about leaving everything I’ve ever known behind.

Was this the right thing to do? What if I can’t find any friends there? What if my friends here forget me?

I looked at Jake while he slept.

What would I do without him? I’ve been only fifteen minutes away from him for our entire friendship. What if I need him?

As if he heard my thoughts while sleeping, he pulled me closer to him and just held me there. I suddenly felt my body relax and a smile crept across my face.

Nah, Jakey couldn’t forget me. He’ll always be here and he’ll always be mine.

I still didn’t get any sleep that night but I figured that might help with the time zone changes. Around 4:30 in the morning we packed up the car and started heading to the airport. Jake held my hand as he drove while Katie dozed off in the back seat. Once we got there, they helped me unload my bags from the car and suddenly, I was lost. I buried my head in Jake’s chest and he held me as tears started to form.

“It’s going to be ok, Em.” He murmured into my ear. “You’re going to be amazing there. I’ll always be here, ok? I love you.”

He kissed my forehead and let me go so Katie could have her turn. She hugged me with watery eyes, “Please don’t be lame and slowly stop talking to us. I miss you so much already.”

“I miss you guys too.” I sniffed.

I grabbed my bags and started walking into the airport. I turned back to see Jake with his arm around Katie as they watched me leave. I gave a small smile and like that, they were gone.

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