Chapter 35

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***Katie’s POV

The rest of the week flew by. Turns out I only bought a one week round trip but I think that’s the standard time for a vacation, right? Anyway, our week was full of late night hang outs and even later night girl talks. Unfortunately, since I surprised Emma with my trip, she couldn’t ask off work in time for my last morning in Vancouver.

I was all packed up with my stuff by the door when Emma came out of her room all dressed up for work. She had just finished putting on her makeup and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw me waiting on the couch. I stood up and gave her a sad smile.

She walked over to me and hugged me. We both immediately lost it then and broke down in tears.

“I’m going to miss you so much!” Her voice was high pitch and breaking.

I gave a weak laugh at the sound and said, “I know, Em.”

We pulled away but held each others hands while we looked sadly at each other. Emma wiped under her eyes.

“Dang it, Katie. I’m going to have to redo my makeup now.” She sniffed.

I smiled at her and wiped away one of my own tears, “I’m sorry. Luckily I didn’t have to bother with makeup today.”

Emma shook her head with a smile, “Some people get all the luck.”

We both laughed a little and then hugged again. Mike came out his room yawning with his curly mohawk but stopped at the sight of us. He cleared his throat, causing Emma to pull away from me and to look at him.

“I’m going to load Katie’s bags in my car.” He said as he took my suitcase and purse with him out the apartment.

Since Emma couldn’t drive me, Mike offered to take me to the airport so I wouldn’t have to take a cab. I believe his wording was “I brought you into Vancouver and I can take you out.”

Over the last week, I’ve really grown to like being around Mike. I mean, he was around while I was video chatting with Emma sometimes but I guess some of his charm was lost over the camera. He was so much more amazing in person. Going back home to Jake will definitely… I don’t want to say suck, but it’ll be different.

When Mike came back up, Emma started really crying. As soon as he walked through the door, she just lost it. You know, he was probably one of the best guys to have around while crying; he didn’t freak out when he saw girl tears. Instead, he immediately went over to her and took her in a bear hug. He rocked her gently and stroked her hair while she cried in her chest.

Is it weird saying that watching him take such good care of Emma was extremely attractive to me? Like, I’m not some home wrecker who tries to ruin things, but seeing how caring and loving he was towards her made me want him in my life. I want someone like that. I was so glad he took her in, he was everything she needed when she was breaking down late at night in the buddy way.

After she calmed down some, Mike pulled away, wiped away her tears and smiled at her. She gave him her Emma giggle as she smiled back up at him. She turned to me and hugged me bye one last time before I left.

I was quiet for the walk to Mike’s car; it wasn’t until we were leaving the parking lot that Mike started talking.

“Was Emma this emotional before she moved here?” He asked casually. “Or is this just her being extremely homesick?”

“I wouldn’t call her emotional,” I tried to think of my phrasing. “I would probably say she just doesn’t handle people she loves leaving her well.”

Mike nodded in understanding but didn’t say anything.

“Thank you by the way.” I said.

“It’s no problem, I didn’t want you having to take a taxi.” He shrugged.

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