Chapter 37

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***Emma’s POV

I woke up the next morning in his arms. I have to say, it is a pretty amazing way to wake up. I would recommend it but that would mean I would have to share Josh and that’s not something I’m willing to do. I didn’t want to move but I wanted to see his face. I tried to turn over as quietly as I could so I wouldn’t wake him up. I stayed like that for a while, just taking in the features of his face. His hair was messed up from the pillow and some of his bangs were in his eyes. I left it like that because he just looked so perfect the way it was.

Ugh. Of course he could just wake up and his hair looks amazing. Some people get all the luck.

I decided that I wanted him to wake up to breakfast so I crawled out of bed and snuck out my room. When I passed through the living room I saw that the food Jessica gave us was still sitting on the coffee table. I grabbed the boxes and dropped them in the trash when I entered the kitchen.

“Oops.” I said to myself with an evil grin. “Sorry, Jessica.”

I laughed to myself, “Not really.”

I looked around the kitchen trying to find ideas of what I could make for us. I was freakin starving and I’m sure Josh will be too when he gets up. Our little fight interrupted dinner last night but that means I didn’t have to eat her food. She probably put poison or something in it.

Probably not. I don’t think my feelings towards her are mutual. I don’t even think she’s aware that I kind of hate her.

No. Hate is a strong word.

I feel like I need to remind myself that I want to be the bigger person here so I’m just going to suck it up. She hasn’t actually done me wrong, she just gave my boyfriend and me free food.

I decided to settle for the unoriginal eggs, bacon and biscuits breakfast. I tried being as quiet as possible while I cooked, which was a challenge because I usually drop a pan at least once while I’m in the kitchen. It was kind of a joke for Mike and I. Every time I cook, he counts how many times I’ve dropped something. Sometimes he just kicks me out the kitchen and takes over because it gets so bad.

Once I had everything cooked and placed nicely on our plates, I grabbed a tray and walked quietly back into my room. I set the tray on my night stand and kissed Josh on the cheek. He sleepily opened his eyes and turned to face me.

“Guess what I brought you?” I smiled as I turned to grab the tray of food.

He smiled at me and sat up to stretch. I joined him on my bed and set our food in front of us. He pulled me close to him so he could give me a kiss.

“It looks great, Em. Thank you.” he said in his tired voice.

I giggled, “No problem.”

He started eating but I was now too happy to eat. It was a weird feeling. I just wanted to take in the moment.

“How’d you sleep last night?” I asked as I grabbed a piece of bacon.

“Surprisingly well.” He said, sounding less tired. “I feel great actually.”

I beamed at him, “Good.”

I just watched him and started thinking. He just spent the night at my apartment in Vancouver which I shared with Mike and was now eating breakfast in bed with my boyfriend Josh Ramsay. Holy crap. How did my life become this?

I bit my lip thinking to myself. I think I could marry this guy one day.

Josh looked over at me, “What are you thinking about?”

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