Chapter 16

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I waited anxiously at the gate for him. I was nearly bouncing I was so excited. I can’t believe Jake came all the way up here for me! I had made a sign that said “BESTEST FRIEND EVER” on a big neon poster board. There was no way he could miss me. I doubt he would anyways. He always seems to find me, no matter what. He says he has an “Emma sense” instead of a sixth sense. He was such a dork.

A crowd of people started coming out the terminal and I was now on my tip toes trying to catch sight of his face. Sure enough, I saw him towering over a good chunk of the crowd and a huge smile crept across my face. He saw me almost at the same time and he was grinning too. I couldn’t help myself. I started running towards him. I could see he was like laughing now at my excitement.

I squealed and jumped on him as soon as I was close enough. I realized that we totally looked like one of those movie couples where they are finally reunited in an airport. Jake just fed into it by kissing me on the cheek.

“Jake! I missed you so much!” I was still really loud.

He was still laughing at me, “I can see that. I missed you too, Em.”

He let me down and took my hand as we walked to baggage claim. That’s one thing I miss about Texas: having my best friend around and not care. Jake and I were very affectionate towards each other through touching just because we knew there was nothing there but friendship and that it helped the other feel better. I didn’t think the guys were quite at that level with me.

The closest thing I’d have to that would be Mike I guess. There was still this weird thing between Josh and I where I just don’t think I could be very touchy with him. I guess I’m just afraid of him finding out that I really like him and him ignoring me because of it.

“How long are you staying?” I asked Jake as we waited for his suitcase to come around.

He shrugged and flashed me a smile, “As long as you want.”

“I hope you never plan on leaving me.” I grinned up at him. I don’t know what’s with me and having super tall guy friends.

“Never.” He said while giving my hand a light squeeze.

“Mike! We’re home!” I called out as Jake and I entered the apartment.

Mike came out from the kitchen and smiled at me. He came over and shook Jake’s hand.

“Hey, I’m Mike.”

“I’m Jake. Thanks for taking such good care of Emma for me.” Jake smiled down at me.

“It’s no problem at all. If anything, she’s saving me from burning down the apartment complex.” Mike chuckled.

I giggled, “It’s true.”

Mike noticed we didn’t bring a suitcase up.

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