Chapter 17

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I had just finished straightening my hair out of boredom when my phone vibrated. I smiled when I saw I had a text from Jake.

Do you trust me? :)

I smiled as I replied.

What do you want from me? :P

Usually he’ll ask me this when he wants me to do something kind of dumb, but generally it paid off. My phone vibrated again.

Stand outside your apartment building with your eyes closed.

What on earth? I giggled.

Jake, that’s crazy!

We both knew I would do it anyways. Well, I wasn’t about to just stand around with my eyes closed like an idiot. I grabbed my sunglasses and walked outside my building. I knew he was somewhere around here. I saw a cab pulling up and started smiling because I saw him in the backseat. Not only had my best friend decided to come surprise me with a visit, he decided to bring me something!

I was bouncing a little with excitement as the cab pulled up closer. I could see a pretty big penguin stuffed animal next to him and squealed a little. Jake got out the car and I couldn’t contain my excitement anymore. I jumped up on him and kissed him on the cheek.

“Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you thank you!” I squealed.

He laughed at me, put me down and took the penguin from the backseat.

“I figured this little guy wouldn’t survive in Texas but could here now that you’re in Canada.” He said as he handed over the penguin.

“Aww that’s so sweet, Jake!” I hugged it. “You do know that penguins live in Antarctica and not Canada, right?”

“Is that so? Well then, Ms. Know-it-all, I guess I’ll take him back with me.” Jake tried taking the penguin back but I pulled away.

“No! I love him! Don’t take him!” I protested.

He laughed. I noticed the cab hadn’t left yet and the driver was looking a little impatient.

“Hey, Jake, I think you need to pay him so he can leave.” I nodded towards the driver.

“Actually, I figured since we’ve spent so much time at your place since I got here that today we could hang out in my hotel. It’s been a while since it was just you and me hanging out.” Jake smiled.

“Really?” I exclaimed. “Yay! Let me go put him inside.”

I started to walk back to the building when I remembered I had my own car. I turned around.

“Hey, I can just drive us back.” I started heading back up to my apartment and called back, “Save your money!”

Jake shrugged and pulled out his wallet.

This was one thing I missed about having Jake around; he would always randomly get me little gifts. I don’t like asking for things but I always find it super sweet when people thought I would like something so much that they couldn’t help but get it for me. I put the penguin on the couch and grabbed my keys before I practically skipped over to Jake.

Jake just watched me and laughed. I took his hand and lead him to my car.

I missed driving around with him so much! It’s been so long since I’ve been able to jam out in my car and actually sing along! I didn’t really like singing in front of Josh because he actually knows what he’s doing when it comes to that stuff. I sing sometimes around Mike but not very loud and not very often. This felt good.

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