Chapter 60

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***Josh’s POV

I woke up to the sounds of pots and pans being moved around in the kitchen. I moaned as I rolled over and felt that Emma wasn’t beside me. That makes sense because who else would be in my kitchen? I looked at the clock and it said it was nine in the morning.

I heard Emma’s voice from the kitchen, “I didn’t think I would honestly see him again! He noticed I wasn’t wearing your ring so I had to tell him I wasn’t getting married.”

My brain was a bit fuzzy as I crawled out of bed but I assumed she was talking about Brad. Ugh. I hate that fucking guy. Who the hell was she talking to this early in the morning?

“I know, I know,” Emma must’ve been on the phone because I didn’t hear anyone else talking. “It’s just that Josh freaked out so bad when he felt the ring on my hand and when I told him how we lied to Brad. I couldn’t do that again. I can’t just lie about being married to Josh especially if he wouldn’t be very convincing had Brad seen us together.”

What does she mean I wouldn’t be very convincing? We would just act like we normally do. I wouldn’t just turn into some idiot once she mentioned marriage now. Why was she even talking about this?

“What are you talking about?” Emma asked after pause.

I began making my way towards the kitchen quietly. I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop but I was awake. The best thing I could do was wait for a safe part of the conversation to let Emma know that I was awake.

 “Katie…” Oh, that makes sense. “Josh’s apartment… Because I spent the night here… Making Josh breakfast.” Emma said as she placed some bread in the mix before putting it on the hot pan.

Emma tensed up a bit and took a defensive stance.

 “Why are you being so insistent about this?” Emma seemed different now. I wouldn’t say annoyed but just different. “The bottom line is that I’m not going to lie about my real relationship with Josh in order to dodge a bullet or two for my own sake. Josh doesn’t want to be married right now. He’s not ready to say that he wants to be with me for the rest of his life and I quite frankly can’t blame him. He’s got a lot going on and he’s never experienced dating me while being on the road. He might just finally realize that I’m not all that I’m cracked up to be.”

What? What was she even talking about? Was she now doubting if we’d last or not? I thought we just fixed things last night? She knows I love her. We’ve talked about marriage before a while back. Well, I guess we actually didn’t say much. She just reassured me that she loved me no matter what and we sat outside of Starbucks on her car. She honestly has no idea that I’m serious about marrying her one day.

Katie must’ve said something interesting to change the mood because Emma let out a small laugh.

“Sorry, Katie, that won’t happen anytime soon… I think you’re just still excited from your wedding so you just want to have another to feed your weird addiction.”

Katie once again must’ve said something to change subjects because Emma now seemed a bit more relaxed as she spoke.

“He showed up, introduced himself to my parents, I told him to go away, Josh found out that we were hanging out, we fought so I left the wedding.” There was a pause where Katie spoke and Emma nodded. “Yup, stupid me ended up at his restaurant. Brad and I got into a fight there… Oh no! Nothing like that happened. I tried calling Josh to pick me up but I guess he was still mad at me so he didn’t answer.”

Damn. She said that so nonchalantly but it made me feel bad. I remember seeing her name and face flash across my phone screen before I chunked it to the other end of the couch. Never again am I ignoring a call from her, no matter how upset I am.

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