Chapter 30

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***Emma’s POV

Katie and Mike rode with Josh and me to the restaurant while Matt and Jessica drove with Ian. I didn’t bother sitting next to Josh because I wanted to be in the back with Katie. I still can’t believe she came all the way up here! I felt like I was slowly bringing all my friends up here.

All two of them.

Oh well, I would just enjoy the time I had with her while she was here.

“So how long are you staying?” I asked as soon as we got in the car.

“I don’t remember.” Katie laughed. “I just kind of bought a round trip and was too excited to look at the date I come back. I’ll check it when we get back.”

“Well you’re welcome to stay as long as you’d like.” Mike said from the passenger seat.

I smiled up at him and then at Katie.

“You should just stay here forever!” I said.

Katie’s face lit up, “I should!”

We both laughed. As appealing as the idea sounded, I think we both knew she wouldn’t stay up here indefinitely.

“I don’t want to sound like a jerk, but that doesn’t sound like it would work out for me.” Josh said from the driver’s seat. He looked at me from the rearview mirror. “Emma would never give me attention anymore.”

Katie laughed, “I can’t help that she loves me more than you.” she shrugged. “Sorry, Josh.”

“It’s cool.” Josh laughed. “I’ll just have Emma make it up to me somehow once you leave.”

He turned back to give me a sly grin making me blush before he turned back to focus on the road. Katie started laughing at me and I just pushed her before looking out the window to hide my face.

“As long as I can’t hear you guys, I’m good.” Mike laughed as he looked back at my even darker face.

Mike of course had to continue this. “Do you see how red she is?”

Katie started trying to get a look at my face and I fought her as Mike kept talking, “Look how red she is! Aw Emma, are we embarrassing you?”

Just when I thought my face couldn’t get any more red, he then turned to Josh, “I heard that people who blush a lot tend to make better lovers.”

“Oh my gosh!” I cried out as I threw my hands up.

The car erupted and Josh glanced back at me, “We’ll have to see about that then, won’t we?”

He gave me a wink and I just wanted to die. Luckily, we parked so everyone started piling out the car. Josh came around to my side of the car to meet me while Katie walked in with everyone else. He tried to grab my hand but I playfully kept it away from him. He grinned at me and stooped down to whisper in my ear.

“I think your blushing is cute.”

Of course I started blushing again; he just laughed as he took my hand and led us inside. We all decided on a restaurant with a bar in it so some of the guys could watch sports if they wanted. Josh wasn’t a fan so I knew I could hang out with him without his attention really being divided.

Katie wanted to get drinks though so her and I went to the bar while Josh sat with everyone else. Josh was talking to Ian while Matt’s eyes were glued to the TV and Mike and Jessica were laughing about something.

“Have you noticed that Jessica is a bit attached to Mike?” Katie asked while glancing over in their direction.

I shrugged, “Well Mike is great and I think Jessica is just naturally friendly.”

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