Chapter 33

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It sounds crazy but while I was on my little dinner date with Josh, I couldn’t stop thinking about how Matt and Jessica’s date might be going and how Mike and Katie were doing without me there. Josh noticed I seemed a bit out of it.

“You ok, Em?” He asked about halfway through dinner. “You seem a bit spacey.”

I sighed and smiled at him, “Sorry, I’m just wondering how things are going with everyone. I don’t like just leaving Katie alone with someone she doesn’t really know and I’m anxious about how Matt and Jessica’s date is going.”

Josh chuckled and turned to grab our waiter’s attention, “Excuse me? Can we get the check and two to-go boxes? Thanks.”

“What are you doing?” I asked as the waiter walked away.

“Em, I know you’re not going to enjoy yourself here so we’re just going to go back to your place where we can finish eating and you can just lay with me on the couch while you think about these things.” He explained.

I bit my lip and gave him an apologetic look, “I’m sorry I ruined our date.”

He put his hand on mine on the table and smiled at me, “It’s ok, really. I don’t mind just hanging out in the living room with you.” he paused. “Or your bed room again.”

I giggled and blushed a little, “Josh! Katie’s here!”

He took his hand away from me and put it over his heart dramatically, “Fine! I didn’t want to anyway!”

I just laughed. Once we got back to the apartment, I was a little less spacey, but Josh just settled on having me cuddle with him on the couch. It was a nice way to calm down. Katie was on my laptop talking to people back home and Mike was working on his laptop. Josh and I eventually ended up just laying on the couch together with my head on his chest. I shot up when I heard the door open and made Josh jump.

“So how was the date?” I immediately asked.

Matt seemed a bit startled. He looked a little cautious as he said, “It went well.”

I waited a moment before I realized that was all he was going to say.

“What? That’s it?”

“What?” he asked.

“Details, foo! Did you have fun? Are you going to see her again?”

“It was fun. I’ll probably take her out again sometime soon. I figured she’ll still be hanging around here anyways.

“You’re not taking her out again just for that reason are you?” I gave him a look.

“No but I just met her.”

“Oh hey! I forgot to mention!” Josh said suddenly. “We’re going to be having a little party at my place tomorrow night. It’ll just be a couple of guys and bands from the label.”

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