Chapter 45

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This by far was one of the most difficult chapters for me to write and I hope you guys appreciate it. I can easily say that I put my whole heart in this and you'll understand that when you see it. I hope this doesn't trigger anyone, if anything, I hope you find it inspiring. Thanks.

***Emma’s POV

No!” Josh said after he looked at the number on Jake’s phone.

“What’s going on?” Jake asked.

“It’s Mike’s number.” Josh said.

“What?” Ian asked.

“Katie’s pregnant.” I said quietly.

The whole room turned to face Mike and Katie.

“When…?” I asked.

“How the hell did that even happen?” Josh demanded.

“How did that that even happen without anyone noticing?” Matt asked.

Katie looked sheepish as she explained, “Well, remember when you came down to Austin? See, when I ‘went on vacation…’”

“You came all the way…?” I trailed off and she nodded.

The pieces were slowly starting to fall into place.

I had noticed Mike was on his computer more and more often. I knew he and Katie chatted every now and then on Skype but I never would’ve thought that they would be together.

“That’s why Mike disappeared!” Ian said suddenly.

“We thought Emma came back or something and he was hogging her.” Matt explained.

Matt looked like he was thinking and he glanced from Ian then to me.

Matt looked at Mike, “If it was Katie all along, how could you think Emma was pregnant?”

“Yeah, that’s not cool, man.” Ian agreed.

Katie stepped in front of Mike, “Guys, don’t be mad at Mike. He only found out at the airport. I wanted him to be the first to know so I borrowed his phone to text Jake after I told him.” she took a breath. “I am kind of looking for some support right now.”

She was right. This was nothing we should be mad about. Things were being totally blown out of proportion. We should be celebrating!

I walked over to Katie with my arms open, “I’m sorry, Katie. I really am happy for you. This was just a lot to take in.”

She hugged me, “It’s fine, Emma. We’ll just blame Jake.”

I turned to look at Jake who looked a little embarrassed. He ran his hands through his hair and took a deep breath.

“I’m so sorry, you guys.” He said.

I crossed my arms and looked at him furiously, “Is this really how you would’ve reacted if I was pregnant, Jake? Honestly, I’m not very happy with the way you’re reacting to anything that happens between Josh and me.”

Jake look at me with apologetic eyes, “Emma, I really am sorry. It’s just…” he paused while he tried to find his words. “I just can’t stand to see that you’re growing apart from me. This is kind of a big deal and I hated being left out of it.”

“Jake, I’m in a relationship with Josh. Things are going to happen between us that no one can control. You’re kind of pissing me off by being so unsupportive. You were doing great when you helped him get me back, but what happened?” I fought tears. I hated this.

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