Chapter 57

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***Emma’s POV

I can’t believe Josh! Does he really think I’d cheat on him or let some guy come on to me? The nerve! His relationship with Jessica was completely different from my relationship with Brad! Brad even said he wasn’t trying to get back together with me! He’s been nothing but nice to me. He’s changed since we were dating. He knows I’m with Josh and respects that.

I fumed as I drove out of the parking lot, leaving Josh standing there alone. I didn’t even look back at him through the rear view mirror because I was so mad. I just started to drive. I had no idea where I was going. There was a chance Josh could’ve hopped in his car to find me. I didn’t want to go home and I definitely wasn’t going to Josh’s after that. I don’t even know what I would say to him.

Before I even realized what I was doing, I was parked outside of Brad’s restaurant. I let my face fall into my hands and I just sat there.

What the hell was I doing? I just told Brad he needed to leave me alone and here I am at his restaurant. Jeez! Why am I so stupid? I’m just hurting everyone today.

I sighed and began to reach for the ignition when I heard someone tap on my window. I let out a scream and had a mini heart attack before I realized it was just Brad smiling at me. I rolled down my window some.

“Hi.” I said awkwardly.

“Hey!” He just smiled as if nothing happened at the wedding. “So what are you doing here?”

“Uhh…” I ran my hand through my bangs as I sheepishly admitted, “Actually, I don’t know.”

He chuckled, “Well do you want to come inside?”

I nervously looked between him and his restaurant in front of me. With just my luck, it started to rain and I would feel bad if I made him stay out here. That and my car window was open.

“Sure.” I said as I closed my window and opened my door.

“After you.” Brad said as he placed his hand on the small of my back to lead me to the door.

I tried to casually squirm away from him so I wouldn’t offend him but I’m sure he noticed. It was pretty dim inside and no one else was around.

“Can I get you a drink?” he asked as he turned on a light.

“No, thanks. I still have to drive later.” I said as I pulled myself up onto a bar stool.

He sat beside me to face me.

“So what brings you back to me?” he asked.

I sighed in frustration once I remembered how mad I was at Josh.

“Josh is just being ridiculous.” I said.

“Really?” he seemed amused at my frustration. “How so?”

“He found out that we’ve been hanging out.” I started.

“We were hanging out.” he corrected me.

I gave him a look before I continued, “He found out that we were hanging out. He got really mad because he thought something might happen between you and I told him nothing was going on and then he brought up Jessica.”

I pulled at my hair in frustration. I took a deep breath to calm down before I looked over at Brad to see his reaction. He had a weird look on his face.

“What?” I asked.

He hesitated, “Nothing’s going on between us?”

I gave him a puzzled look, “Yes.”

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