Chapter 2

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It was two years ago that I saw Marianas Trench play for the first time. I was taking a vacation in Vancouver to see how I liked it and figured I should see them play while I was there. All I can say was it was freakin amazing. I waited after the show to have them autograph my shirt or something when their manager said they needed to leave. The crowd was so disappointed, including me! I flew here from Texas! I was determined to have something to show for it.

Unfortunately, I was so far back in line that I couldn’t see where the guys went. The crowd slowly dispersed and I figured I should probably follow their lead. The parking lot was so packed that I decided to stay behind for a bit and wait for it to die down. After waiting about twenty minutes, the traffic died down some but it started pouring rain!

“Just my luck.” I muttered to myself.

I was parked about three blocks away and had all my electronics with me. There was no way I was going to lose my evidence of the spectacular night in the stupid rain. I pulled my hood over my head and sat against a wall outside a side entrance. It was pretty dark and getting cold. I crossed my arms across my chest and hoped for the rain to die down. It was making me a bit nervous sitting by myself in a foreign city in the middle of the night.

I didn’t realize I fell asleep until I woke up to voices and the sounds of running. My eyes jolted open and I hopped to my feet. I didn’t really have a plan beyond that because I had no idea what was going on.

Oh my gosh. Are they coming for me? What do I do?

I then heard laughter. Whoever was in the group of men weren’t thugs at all, just people who were loading up a trailer from the side of the building.

“I wonder...?” I mumbled to myself as I slowly walked over to the side door.

I peeked inside the garage entrance and saw the band standing around talking as the crew loaded up their stuff. My heart started pounded as I watched them.

“Holy crap!” I whispered to myself incredulously.

Obviously I didn’t say it quiet enough because one of them looked up and saw me peeking around the corner.

“Hey!” he said.

My eyes widened and I hide around the wall.

“Jeez, Emma! You’re such a creep! Don’t just stare at them!” I whispered to myself. This is a bad habit of mine that was terrible in situations like these.

“Wait!” The same voice said.

I heard footsteps coming my way so I stayed frozen. A tall guy with black and blue hair came around the corner to face me.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“I was waiting for the parking lot to clear after the concert and I guess I fell asleep.” I said sheepishly. You sound so creepy and dumb right now!

Josh looked up at the rain and said, “It’s kind of nasty out there. Want to come in here with us? I mean, we won’t be here much longer but it beats staying out here.”

“Sure.” I said while wrapping my arms around myself and following him.

He chuckled, “We aren’t going to hurt you or anything. You can chill.”

I felt my face warm up a bit as I muttered “sorry” to him. He led us to the rest of the guys and said, “Look what I found!”

My face got even hotter so I adjusted my bangs so they would cover more of my face.

“Hello!” Mike said smiling at me.

“Hi.” I said with a small wave.

“Who are you?” Mike said still smiling.

“Just a fan who got caught in the rain.”

“Got a name, fan?”

I laughed a little, “I’m Emma.”

“Nice to meet you, Emma. I’m Mike.”

“I’m Matt.”


“And I’m the guy who saved you from the rain.” Josh said.

I giggled again. Stupid nervous habit. Makes you sound dumb.

“So what’d you think of the show?” Mike asked.

“I really liked it! Definitely worth the trip here. High light of my entire stay for sure!” I smiled really big.

“Your trip? Where’d you come from?” Matt asked.

“I’m actually from Texas.” I laughed.

“Woah!” Josh jumped in. “You came all the way from fucking Texas to Vancouver to see us play?”

I felt my face heat up a little bit. “Yeah, actually I did.”

“That’s so hardcore! Our fans are so amazing!” Josh exclaimed while pulling out his phone.

I giggled once again and muttered “thanks.”

Josh put his arm around my shoulders and held up his phone, “Smile!”

He clicked a picture and started to type away. “What’s your twitter name?”

“ThisisEmma. Why?” *author’s note: sorry if this actually IS someone’s twitter. I just made it up*

I felt my phone vibrate to see a Twitter notification. I opened it and saw he tweeted the picture of us “Texan Trencher in Van-fucking-couver! That’s hardcore!”

I smiled and thought to myself, this is going to be my profile picture for the next forever.

“Guys! Hey! We need to head out!” A voice said from the trailer.

The guys looked at me and Josh said, “Well, we have to go but it was great meeting you!”

They all gave me good bye hugs and took a picture with me. I waved by as I started to walk to my car. The rain had finally died down but I had a feeling I still wasn’t going to be able to sleep that night.

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