Chapter 9

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*Mike's POV*

Emma had been living in Vancouver for about two months now and she was pretty much a part of our lives now. She would come to our apartments and watch movies with us or go to the studio and just sit around while we worked (when she wasn’t working). We were working on a new album.

Did you say “please just follow me?”

I thought you wanted me

Cause I want you all to myself

“Hello?” Emma smiled as she answered her phone.

Everyone, minus Josh was watching a movie at Matt’s place. He was meeting up with one of our managers or something important like that.

I recognized the ringtone as Josh’s. Way to drop a hint by setting that as her ringer for you, I smirked to myself.

“Nothing much, just chillin with the guys at Matt’s. What’s up?”

I could hear him mumbling over the phone and she smiled. It was interesting to see both sides of phone conversations with them. I’m usually around Josh when he calls her; I’ve never seen her on the phone with him. She smiles just as much, if not more than he does. That was a very promising sign, not like any of us were blind to how they acted when they were together.

“No, they hadn’t mentioned that.” She glanced at us. “When were you guys planning on going?”

Crap! We never mentioned us all going to dinner tomorrow!

She listened intently and suddenly she looked a little… I don’t know. Uncomfortable? Just off.

“Oh.” Was all she said then the mumbling continued.

“You know, actually,” she put her hand to her forehead as if she just remembered something. “I’m closing that night. I won’t be able to make it.”

There was a pause as Josh (at least I’m assuming) tried to reschedule.

“No, no, no, no, no!” she said quickly. “Don’t worry about it. You guys should go try it out. I’ve heard it’s really good… I can try it some other time… Yeah, it’s really ok. I promise… Alright, I’ll talk to you later. Bye.”

She hung up the phone and just started watching the television again. She didn’t look as interested as she was before the call. Maybe her having to cancel on Josh upset her some. It makes sense; I mean they’re bound to end up together eventually.

“Not going to be able to make it to dinner?” I asked.

She snapped her head in my direction and it took her a moment to register what I said.

“No, sorry. If I knew sooner I could have probably gone.” She didn’t sound upset.

“Sorry about that, Emma. It just totally slipped my mind.” I said.

“No, no, it’s cool, Mike.” She said defensively. “Don’t worry about it. I’m really picky when it comes to places to eat anyways. It’ll probably be best if you tried it first.”

I nodded and smiled at her, “Maybe so.”

That was weird. Every time we go out and show her new places, she’s always really cool about it. Sure, she was a bit picky when it came to trying new foods that looked weird but she never said anything about new restaurants. Maybe it’s her time. Not going to ask. Never going to ask. I did once and never again.

“You work tomorrow too?” I asked.

Matt shushed me while Ian’s eyes stayed glued on the TV. We lowered our voices some.

“Yeah, I have a mid-shift.” She sounded slightly disappointed.

I couldn’t blame her; those were the worst because you still had to be up somewhat early and left sort of late.

“You could come over if you want and just hang out. I plan on running some errands in the morning but after that I’ll just be home on the couch.” I suggested.

I didn’t like for her to just stay in a hotel all day long. It’s crazy that she still hasn’t found a place yet. I guess her family is still helping her out with her move because I don’t think I could afford that.

She smiled at me, “Aw thanks, Mike. I’ll probably go home and change before I head over.”

I laughed, “At this point, I think you’ve left a few outfits here.”

I don’t really know why but when she wasn’t with Josh, she was over at my place. I didn’t mind, in fact I actually loved having her around. It was weird coming home from tour and just being by myself. I had friends in the area but Emma was different. I could be because she wasn’t from here so she was a little more interesting, but she was also just an interesting girl.

Sometimes when she would decide to stay at my apartment by herself while I ran errands, I would come home and hear her singing from outside the apartment door. The first time I caught her, she got super embarrassed and tried to hide from me for the rest of the day. She honestly had a really pretty voice; I don’t know why she was so shy about it. I never mentioned it though just because of how she reacted when it was just me.

Emma laughed in agreement, “I should really do something about that.”

I chuckled, “Nah, don’t worry about it. I don’t mind. I’m used to everyone’s stuff being at my house.”

Josh definitely was a lucky guy. If he wasn’t interested in her, I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that I would try to be with her. She was really pretty and somehow just fit in with us perfectly. I would be lying if I said I didn’t have a little bit of a crush on her. We as a band decided we’d never let a girl come between any of us so we’re all backing off. I will say that Josh better hurry up and make things official because I feel like he's in for some competition soon.

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