Chapter 25

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***Mike’s POV

“Are they still in there?” Matt asked after about an hour of us being at Opal’s house.

Ian started laughing, “Bow chicka bow wow.”

Opal looked alarmed and I couldn’t hold back a small chuckle. Matt laughed awkwardly too and I decided I should probably peek in to check on Emma.

“Careful, Mike! Don’t want to interrupt something!” Ian called back. “Babies could be being made!”

I cracked open the door and found Josh just holding Emma in bed. I walked over and they were both sleeping, or at least it looked like they were. I smiled to myself. I think Matt owes me money but we’ll have to wait until Josh comes out.

I walked back to the living room, “I think they’re sleeping.”

Opal let out a sigh of relief, “Finally! She didn’t sleep at all last night.”

Man, poor Em.

“How about we head out, drop off our equipment, get you guys home and I’ll come back for Emma and Josh?” I suggested. I would hate to keep Matt and Ian just waiting around in Opal’s house. She didn’t really have a choice when it came to us coming to see Emma.

Opal nodded, “Sounds good. I bet you guys are exhausted. Drive safe.”

“Thank you so much for taking care of Emma.” I said as I side hugged Opal bye.

She seemed a bit surprised but said, “No need to thank me for that. She needed me.”

I smiled at her and headed out towards the van. Matt was already climbing in the backseat and Ian was waiting by the driver’s door.

“Were they really sleeping or did you walk in on something awkward?” Ian smirked.

I tossed him the keys, “No, they honestly looked like they were sleeping.”

“I told you!” Matt called from the back seat.

I chuckled, “Are we really going to keep betting on them?”

“Yeah!” Ian scoffed as he started the van. “Every time we think they’re finally going to tell each other how they feel or get together something happens. For all we know, they could’ve already said something but Josh keeps screwing things up.”

“Why do we always assume Josh screwed things up?” Matt asked. I gave him a look and he quickly added, “Hear me out, Mike. What if Emma honestly just doesn’t want to be with him?”

“Hm that’s a good point.” Ian said. “I hadn’t thought of that. I mean, we saw how she was around Jake. She could have no feelings for Josh and is just really nice.”

“No, I don’t think that’s the case at all.” I said. “Don’t you guys see how they are together? There’s something there.”

“Yeah, we know Josh is in love with her.” Matt rolled his eyes. “Has Emma actually said she was interested in Josh?”

I thought for a moment and realized she hadn’t.

“Come to think of it, no, she hasn’t. But come on, do you really think that is what’s going on?”

Matt looked up in Ian’s direction and Ian looked back at Matt through the rearview mirror before answering in unison, “No.”

“Josh probably did fuck up.” Matt nodded.

“He needs to grow a pair and just say something already.” Ian said.

We pulled up to the studio, unloaded each of our instruments into our own cars and I left to go back to get Emma.

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