Chapter 23

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***Emma’s POV

This was so crazy. Why is it that once I moved to Canada guys found me interesting? Sure, technically Jake did before I moved but he barely told me once I moved. I never got this kind of attention back home. Maybe because I was technically a “foreigner” here.

I had just put on the dress that Brad bought for me and I was examining myself in the mirror when there was a knock on my door.

“Come in!” I called out while still examining the dress.

Mike popped his head in and smiled when he saw me.

“Wow, you look great, Em!”

I smiled at him through the mirror.

“Thanks, Mike. What’s up?”

“I just wanted to check up on you and let you know that Josh is about to leave if you want to say bye before your date.”

I felt a knot in my stomach. “Josh is here?”

“Yeah, he stopped by while you were in the shower.” Mike said.

“Oh, ok.” I said. “I’m coming.”

Mike nodded and left my door cracked behind him.

Josh hadn’t talked to me since I texted him last night about my date. I don’t know why I was so nervous to hear he was in Mike’s apartment. Maybe I was just surprised he hadn’t said anything sooner.

I took a breath before I walked out my room to find Josh making his way to the door from the kitchen. He saw me and the corner of his eye and did a double take.

“Emma!” he sounded surprised to see me. I did live there.

“Hey.” I said. I’ll admit, things felt a little awkward and I don’t know why.

He looked me over, “You look really pretty.”

I felt myself blushing. “Thanks.” I looked down at my feet. I still hadn’t found shoes yet.

Suddenly I felt arms around me, “I hope you have fun tonight.”

He let go of me and headed for the door without looking back at me, “See you, Em.”

I stood there in shock. I couldn’t stop staring at the door. I don’t know how long I was standing there before Mike’s voice caught my attention.

“You ok, Em?” he sounded concerned.

“Yeah.” I said as I turned to face him. “I need to find shoes.”

I shuffled back to my room, closed the door behind me and plopped down on the bed. Why was I so shaken up by Josh’s good bye?

***Mike’s POV

About a minute after Emma rushed to her room, someone knocked at the door. Even though he gave her his number, they decided he was going to pick her up from here.

I opened the door and found a guy dressed a lot like Josh during a show in front of me.

Wow, Emma. Still have Josh on the mind?

He looked a bit surprised to see a guy answering the door.

“Does Emma live here?” he asked. He was probably thinking she gave him the wrong address.

Oh, this was going to be fun.

“Yeah, she does. You must be Brad.” I opened the door a bit wider to let him in.

“That’s me.” He said as he stepped in. He turned and faced me a bit nervously. “I’m not stepping into some awkward exes still living together, am I?”

I chuckled and held out my hand, “Not at all. I’m Mike, Emma’s roommate.”  

He looked a little relieved as he shook my hand. “Oh good. That could’ve been weird.”

He looked around. “So where is she?”

“She’s just getting ready in her room. She should be out soon. You can sit down if you want.” I said while gesturing towards the couch.

I refused to be the first to sit and it looked like he wasn’t about to give in either. Strong personality. I wonder how well that’ll work with Emma?

“So, how did you meet Emma?” he asked awkwardly.

“Met her at a show a few years back.” I crossed my arms. “Her and my leader singer, Josh, really hit it off. She’s been living with me for a while now though.”

He nodded awkwardly. Emma came out just in time to save his butt.

“Brad, hey!” she smiled as she stepped into the living room. “Hope I didn’t keep you waiting long.”

“Not long at all.” He smiled at her.

He looked like he was trying to give her a welcoming embrace but I put my arm around Emma.

“Take care of my Emma tonight. Might not want to see what her best friend will do if things go sour.” I chuckled and winked at him.

Emma laughed, “Thanks, Mike.”

Brad forced a laugh but glanced nervously at me. “We should get going, Emma.”

“Sure, yeah! Let’s go!” Emma said. She turned to me, “Bye, Mike!”

“Have fun, Em.” I said as I gave her a big bear hug while looking over her shoulder at Brad.

She smiled at me and headed for the door. As Brad was closing the door, I called out, “I’ll wait up for you, Em!”

I was not proud of what I just did.

***Emma’s POV

Brad cleared his throat once we got to his car. “So, uh, Mike is interesting.”

I laughed, “Yeah, I love him. He’s always looking out for me.”

Brad kind of chuckled. I guess I should’ve warned him that I lived with a guy. I was thankful for Mike though. This was my first real date. It was nice to see that I have someone here to be the protective older brother type figure.

When we got to his car, he opened my door for me.

I felt myself blush a little. “Thank you.”

He smiled at me and closed the door.

I think tonight is off to a good start.

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