Chapter 20

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***Emma’s POV

I took a deep breath before I knocked on the door. It took a minute before it finally opened.

“Emma!” Jake exclaimed and pulled me into his arms.

“Hey, Jake.” I said while he continued to squeeze me.

He finally let go, “Where were you? We were worried about you!”

I didn’t realize my absence would be such a big deal.

“I went to Opal’s house to talk to her.” I said simply. Jake sighed in relief.

“Why’d you turn your phone off without letting us know where you were going?” he was still a little upset.

I pulled my phone out my pocket and showed him a black screen. “It died while I was on my way over.”

Jake shook his head but smirked, “You really know how to keep people on their toes, huh?”

I shrugged, “I try. Can I come in now?”

Jake hadn’t realized that we were still standing in the doorway to his hotel room.

“Oh right! Yeah! Come on in!” he said while stepping back to let me through.

I went and laid down on his bed. He joined me but propped himself up with his arm.

“So what did you talk to Opal about?” he asked while playing with the ends of my hair.

“I needed a third party for advice on all that’s been going on here.” I said. I always loved how open I could be with Jake. Even if it is awkward, he listened.

“And what did she have to say?” he seemed a bit nervous.

I paused before I said, “She didn’t tell me anything that I didn’t know.”

I thought back to earlier that day. I knew Opal was off for the day so I shot her a text warning her that I needed advice and was on my way over. After I got her reply, my phone died. I didn’t think anything of it. When I got to her house, I explained to her all of the events and conversations that happened and she thought a moment.

“You’re never going to love Jake that way. Just because he’s been around all these years and understands you so well doesn’t mean he’s the one for you.” Opal said.

I looked at her curiously. She sighed.

“I was in a similar situation once. Granted, one of the guys involved wasn’t famous to any degree but he was my Josh. His name was Jared. My best friend admitted his love for me and I thought I had no chance with Jared so I settled for my best friend.” She looked up at me. “But my heart didn’t want him in the same way I wanted Jared. The night before my wedding, Jared finally told me he loved me.”

When she didn’t continue the story, I asked, “So what happened?”

She shrugged, “Well, I’m still with my best friend today, but I always wonder what would’ve happened if I took a chance on Jared.”

I nodded and just let it sink in. Opal put her hand on mine.

“Honey, based off what I’ve seen at work, I’ll tell you right now, don’t settle. There is something going on between Josh and you whether you’ll admit it or not. Don’t make some rash decision just because one of them spoke up first. If Jake really is meant for you, he’ll stay around until then. If he’s not, then I’m sure something else will happen in order for you to see that.”

There was silence for a moment. Jake just nodded and continued to play with my hair.

“I’m going home tomorrow, Emma.” He said softly.

I propped myself up and looked at him in shock.

“What? Why?” I was a little hurt.

Jake remained calm and continued to be quiet.

“I couldn’t stay here forever, Em. I need to get home. Besides, I think we both knew your answer before I even asked you to think about it.”

I felt tears welling up and my face started warming up.

“Jake-.” I started to say but he cut me off.

“Don’t.” he wasn’t angry. He continued to talk. “We’re still best friends, but I can see now that I’m not the guy for you. The only reason everyone back home thought we were supposed to be together was because they never saw how you and Josh are.”

When did he…?

“You guys happened to walk past me while you were getting ice cream earlier. Emma, I know you well enough to just see you for second to know what you’re feeling. I saw you guys together and I saw how different you were.”

I could feel the tears falling down my cheeks now. Jake, how could you be so sweet to me?

He reached out and wiped my tears from my eyes. I couldn’t look at him so I kept my eyes closed. He caressed my face with his hand.

“Emma, please look at me.” He still spoke soft and sincere to me. His voice only broke my heart more but I opened my teary eyes.

He stared at me for a bit and I began to worry that he’ll try kissing me again. Instead, he just kept talking.

“You’re never going to look at me like you look at him. In all the years that I’ve known you, I have never seen you look at a guy the way you look at Josh. I’ve accepted the fact that I’ll never be that guy for you.” He paused and tears still streamed down my face. “I will however be the guy that will either kick his ass if he screws up.”

I couldn’t help but give a weak laugh at that. I honestly don’t think Josh would stand a chance against Jake.

“I’ll always be here for you, Emma.”

I full out started bawling then. I didn’t deserve this kind of love from Jake. He deserved so much better.

Jake reached his arms out and pulled me close to him. He held me as I cried and would try comforting me.

I don’t know if I’ve ever felt more like crap. Of all friends for him to fall for, why me? He had so many better girls in his life. I didn’t deserve his love, I was lucky enough to be his friend and him being so understanding about my feelings towards Josh made him that much better. It broke my heart knowing that he wasn’t what my heart wanted.

We just stayed like that until he had to leave to go back home.

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