Chapter 48

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***Josh’s POV

Emma let out a squeal when she saw Katie in the living room.

“Katie!” Emma squealed as she attacked Katie on the couch.

“Hey!” Katie giggled as she wrapped her arms around Emma.

Katie was already starting to have a motherly look to her.

“I missed you!” Emma smiled up at Katie. “How was telling everyone?”

“It went well.” Katie smiled. “My parents love Mike so they’re absolutely thrilled. It’ll be their first grandchild.”

Shit. I didn’t want to hear about this. Soon enough they’d be talking about wedding stuff and kids and blah blah blah. I was suddenly really nervous and anxious. What the hell was going on? I need to get away from them.

I stood up, “I’m going to help Mike unpack.”

“Um ok.” Emma said kind of confused.

I guess that did seem a bit out of nowhere. I didn’t care. I walked into Mike’s room where he was rearranging some stuff. Once again, I didn’t care. I closed the door behind me and leaned against it.

Mike turned his head to see me, “Hey, Josh, want to help me-?”

“Katie thinks Emma’s ready to marry me.” I blurted out.

Mike immediately turned around and knocked something off his dresser in the process of doing so. Neither of us bothered seeing what it was.

“What?” he asked.

I ran my hands through my hair and began to pace.

“Did you just say Emma’s ready to marry you?” he asked.

“Yes. No. Kind of.” I stopped pacing and looked at him. “Katie thinks Emma’s ready for marriage.”

Mike’s eye brows lifted as he blinked a couple of times while he registered what I just said. I began to pace again.

“Ok, let’s take a step back then.” Mike said. “Take a breath. Just chill out for a second, ok?”

“How the fuck am I supposed to be calm right now?” I frantically whispered. “We’re talking about me getting fucking married!

“Josh,” Mike said calmly.

Why the hell was he so calm? Oh right, he’s engaged and fucking Mike. He’s always level headed about this crap.

Mike continued, “This is just what Katie thinks. Did she say Emma actually said that?”

I thought back, “No, but she’s Emma’s best friend. They’re like crazy in sync. Crazy high pitch giggling sarcastic Texas fucking sync.”

Mike made a face but I think we both knew at this point I wasn’t making any sense.

“Well we can’t just assume Katie is speaking for Emma right now. Isn’t that the point of your relationship though? Isn’t the whole point to get married to her eventually?” Mike asked.

“Eventually! Not fucking now!” I said as I sat down on his bed and put my face in my hands and groaned.

“Hey, no one said anything about you guys getting married right now.” Mike said as he joined me on his bed.

“Isn’t that what Katie said I should do?” I said into my hands.

“Who cares what Katie thinks you should do?” Mike asked. “I love her and all, but she isn’t a part of your relationship with Emma.”

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