Chapter 19

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***Jake’s POV

I was wander around Vancouver trying to see what Emma saw in this place. It was pretty different from Austin. Honestly, I don’t know why she wants to live here. Sure, it has a beach but it’s cooler here. I loved the Texas heat. I loved the people, I loved all the live music (live music capital of the world baby!), I just loved everything.

I don’t think she would’ve stayed if she hadn’t met Josh. Yes, I was happy that she made friends here so fast and that they were taking such good care of her- correction, Mike was taking great care of her, but I missed her.  They think they can just waltz right into her life and take her away from me?

I sighed to myself.

What did she see in this Josh guy anyways? I know she really like music and musicians and stuff, but she’s not the type to just use people like that. She’s barely known him. It hasn’t even been a year since she’s moved away.

I think Mike would be better for her than Josh would be. Not that I want her with anybody else, but I like Mike better from what I’ve seen and heard. He’s been around when Emma has Skyped me before and we’ve gotten along pretty well.

The first time I’ve met this Josh guy was today at Emma’s and he seemed like a dick.

“No! You can’t eat ice cream, remember?” I heard a familiar voice say from down the street.

My head automatically shot up and I searched for the voice. Then I saw her. With him.

They were walking out of an ice cream shop and she was trying to protect her cone from Josh’s hands. They were smiling and laughing together. He kept trying to grab for her ice cream.

“Come on! I bought it! I should be allowed to have some!” he said.

“No! You said it makes you sick!” she laughed and tried pulling away.

“A lick or two won’t kill me, Emma!” he finally snatched it from her.

“Josh!” she said while laughing in protest.

He started licking it and held it out of her reach (which wasn’t far, Emma was a bit vertically challenged).

“Sharing is caring!” he said as he took another lick.

“Don’t be a butt!” she pushed him a little.

He laughed and handed it back, “You’re lucky I like you enough to give you it back with all your violence.”

“You got your tongue germs all over it!” she whined.

“I did not!” he said. “Those are yours!”

“Yeah huh! I see a line from your tongue ring!” she pointed to the cone.

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