Chapter 64

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***Emma’s POV

I have taken more pictures in this last week than I have in my entire life, concerts included. Poor Josh was always getting spammed with different baby pictures from me. Eventually I just settled on saving them all to my computer and making photo albums on facebook. Mike and Katie adjusted fairly well to having a new baby. I guess with Mike always running on little to no sleep and Katie was in a habit of waking up often to pee, they worked well together.

Mike only got a week before he had to go finish off the last three weeks of the tour. The guys would’ve let him stay but a family emergency happened with the replacement bassist and management said he needed to come back. I have to say it was heartbreaking to watch Mike have to leave Tristan. He kept eyeing the clock so he could wait until the last possible minute for him to leave.

For the next two weeks, I was the new Mike. Katie and I shared their bed and took turns waking up with Tristan depending in his cry, most of the time he was to be fed so I helped out by bringing him over to Katie.

Unfortunately now that I was helping with Tristan, I was getting less time to talk to Josh. Often time when Tristan needed attention and Mike happened to call, I would just hold him for her. Luckily, Josh found a way to make up for it.

Please just follow me

I thought you wanted me

“Hey!” I smiled as I picked up my phone.

“Hey,” I could almost hear the smile in his voice. “I’m going to be just about an hour out from Vancouver this weekend and then I’m getting a day off. Do you want to meet me down here? You could watch us play and then we could hang out afterwards.”

“You know, I should really be checking out your tour dates and schedules more because I never know where you are until you tell me.” I laughed.

“You don’t have to worry about that. You shouldn’t hear from some website about us before we tell you.” Josh said.

“Yeah,” I paused, “Believe it or not, that used to be how I got like all my information about you guys.”

“That’s kind of weird to think about.” Josh said.

“I know! It feels creepy just saying that.” I said kind of to myself.

“It’s creepy hearing it.” Josh said.

“Oh shut up!” I said, making him chuckle.

“Sorry, babe, but I’ve got to go.

Katie was sitting on the floor in the living room folding some laundry.

“Hey, Katie, Josh said that they’re only going to be an hour away this weekend and then they get a day off, do you want to ride up there with me?”

“Mike and I planned for him to come down to see me after the show.”

“Wait, so Mike is coming down here?” I thought about it for a moment. “Why the heck am I driving out to see Josh when he could ride down here with Mike?”

Katie laughed, “Because Mike loves me more than Josh loves you.”

I scrunched up my nose, “Oh shut up.”

Katie laughed again, “Honestly, we all decided you should get a break from Tristan since he’s not your baby and Mike and I could have some time together.”

“Josh and I could just stay at his place like we do from time to time.” I pointed out.

Katie gave me a look as she finished folding all the clothes in the basket, “Em, just accept that you’re driving up there, ok?”

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