Chapter 61

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***Emma’s POV

I sighed to myself as I opened the door to Josh’s empty apartment. I had just a short shift at work today before I picked up Josh’s beauty products and I actually kind of wished I had worked longer. It was weird not having Katie around while they guys were all busy. I don’t mind being alone, it’s just incredibly boring sometimes.

I put Josh’s hair dye and nail polish on the kitchen counter and kicked off my shoes. I grabbed myself a bottle of water from the fridge and lounged on the couch. I didn’t really want to just flip on the TV to mindlessly watch something but I was starting to run out of options. I began running through all my possible friends to try finding something to do.

Mike and Katie were who knows where on their honeymoon, Jake and Opal were both working right now and Josh is at the studio doing meetings. Hey! What about Matt or Ian? Right. They’re in the band too.

Oh. That’s pretty much everyone. I need more friends.

I sighed again as I pulled out my phone to text Josh.

I might actually die of boredom.

I decided to turn on my iPod stereo and blast music. I put my iPod on shuffle and “Woman” by Wolfmother came on. It’s one of those kinds of days. I couldn’t help but dance around my apartment as I sang along. I missed doing this. Sure I blast music with Josh while we’re hanging out but I still don’t like singing much around him. He’s just so much better than me and I don’t want to embarrass myself.

I wasn’t paying much attention to my phone because I knew Josh probably had his phone either off or on silent. I was just listening to the music. I was hearing a lot of stuff I haven’t listened to in forever and it felt good! “All My Heroes Are Weirdos” by !!! and turned the volume even louder on my stereo.

This was such a great song to dance to! I actually was starting to forget about being lonely until I turned around in the middle of my dance to see Matt smirking at me as he leaned against the door frame. I just kind of froze awkwardly.

“Hey.” I said slightly embarrassed.

“Hi.” Matt smirked.

“So, uh, how long have you been standing there?” I asked awkwardly.

He shrugged with a smile, “Probably about a minute or two.”

I nodded, “Right. So you saw all that?”

“Pretty much.” Matt tried fighting a huge grin. “I knocked.”

“I believe that.” I said as I began messing with my bangs. “So do you want to come in?”

Matt shrugged before he walked in and closed the door behind him. “Unknown Brother” by Black Keys came on then and Matt’s smile grew.

“You like them?” he asked.

I looked back at my iPod, “Black Keys? Yeah! I saw them live once and couldn’t get them out of my head.”

“Nice! I think you just got a little bit cooler.” Matt said as he went to the fridge to grab a water bottle.

“So what are you doing here?” I asked as he leaned against the counter.

“Uhh…” He began to play with the cap of the bottle in his hands. “They didn’t need me at the studio anymore and Josh said you were bored so I thought we could hang out.”

He now looked like something was bugging him although I could see him trying to play it off.

“And?” I asked curiously.

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