Chapter 42

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***Mike’s POV (about a month and a half later)

I woke up to the sound of hurried footsteps to the bathroom followed by puking and coughing. I got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom door. I heard Emma breathing heavily between heaves. I went to the kitchen to grab a water bottle and a bowl for her.

I heard the toilet flush as I was heading back. The facet was on so I opened the cracked door. She was hunched over the sink washing out her mouth. She looked pale and had circles under her eyes. Her eyes met mine in the mirror.

“Please.” She held her hand up to me and turned away. “I don’t want you to see this.”

She began washing the ends of her hair in the sink. She looked so pathetic.

 “Mike, please don’t.” she moaned.

I placed the bowl and the bottle of water on the counter and began helping her.

“Believe it or not, I probably have more experience with this than you do.” I chuckled as I started thinking of past drunken nights.

“Thank you.” she said quietly.

I handed her a towel for her to begin drying the ends of her hair while I tried going through the draws to find her hoard of hair ties. I handed it to her when I eventually located one and she gave me a weak smile. She tied her hair back in a loose low ponytail and picked up the bowl and water from the counter.

She started making her way to her room and I followed her (since my room was across the hall).

“Do you want me to go get something for you at the store?” I asked, half hoping she’d say no but at the same time, wanting to help her.

“No. I don’t want you to have to do that, especially now but thank you.” she said before she walked into her room and closed the door.

Throughout the entire time she’d been here, this was the first time she was remotely sick. I would blame Texas but it had been a little over a month after she got back. I crawled back in bed and fell back asleep almost immediately.

The next morning I woke up and found Emma lying on the couch with her bowl beside her. She looked up at me and I realized she looked worse now than she did last night.

I gave her a sympathetic smile as I walked over to her. Just as I was about to feel her forehead to see if I needed to get out a thermometer, she jolted up and ran to the bathroom.

I waited patiently for her to return and began debating on going to the store for her anyways. She wouldn’t ask me to even if she really wanted me to.

“Ugh. I feel so gross.” Emma moaned as she slumped on the couch.

“Morning sickness?” I winked at her.

“No. It’s definitely not that.” But not too soon after she said that, she was running back to the bathroom to throw up.

“Well, you guys were gone for a week and have been together for quite some time now.” I called out when I heard the toilet flushing.

She didn’t fight me; she just came back and laid back down on the couch. I went back to my room, threw on some pants and grabbed my wallet and keys. I walked out into the living room and Emma propped herself up on her elbow.

“Where are you going?” she sounded a little upset.

“I’m going to the store for you.” I said as I started putting on my shoes.

“Mike, you really don’t have to.” She said as she put her head back on a pillow.

“I’m going anyway. Will you be ok while I’m gone?” I asked as I headed towards the door.

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