Chapter 51

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***Emma’s POV

I have no idea why I was so incredibly nervous. I had spent the night at Josh’s apartment after my first night of meeting him, why was this such a big deal? Oh right, because I just remember waking up there after a drunken night. I’ve never been sober and spent the night there. I’ve gotten ready at his place all of two times since I’ve moved here. I never realized how often I made him come to me instead of me going to his place. Part of this was because I lived with Mike so before we dated that was his excuse to come over. I guess that was just a habit now.

As Josh opened the door to his apartment and let us in, I thought my heart was going to burst from my chest. Seriously, self, what are you doing?

“Welcome to my humble abode.” Josh said as he closed the door behind us.

I looked around and noticed a few things had changed since I had last been there. That makes sense though because it’s been a while.

“I’m going to go put your bag in my room.” Josh smiled before he walked away.

I stood in the middle of the living room trying to calm myself down some. I had no idea why my body was kicking into overdrive. Josh and I had been alone together so many times and have been in this very apartment before. What’s the big deal?

I looked around the couch to find the remote for the TV. I just needed something to mindlessly focus on in order to chill out. Maybe making this place feel more like mine would be better. As soon as the sound of the TV flooded the living room, I felt a little less tense. Mike and I had a habit of just leaving a TV running for white noise. It wasn’t all the time, but we liked to hang out by the TV and just talk.

Nothing against Katie, but I’m going to miss having Mike all to myself (excuse my pun). I know they have been together for a while now, but it never affected my friendship with him until now. Suddenly she was taking away my best friend. It was a really sad thought because on the nights that Josh didn’t stay over or when he was busy while at my place, Mike and I would just spend hours hanging out together. He was the guy I went to when I was frustrated or excited. When I wanted to talk about Josh stuff, he would listen. When I needed to vent right after work, he was there.

Yeah, it’s great that Katie has such a great guy because she definitely needs someone like him but I would’ve at least liked a heads up instead of a “guess what? We’re having a baby and we’re getting married!”

I feel like things are moving too fast. Now the guys are going on tour for three weeks and not too long after that is the wedding. After the honeymoon, I’m going to be that awkward third wheel.

What if they want me to move out?

Mike took me in while he was single and just had the band to worry about. Now he’s going to have a wife and eventually a baby. I’m just going to be that friend that lives with them. I couldn’t do that to them. They wouldn’t get the full experience of just having a family together. It would be like the Ayley family plus Emma.

Crap. What am I supposed to do?

***Josh’s POV

Maybe I jumped the gun a bit when it came to buying all of Emma’s toiletries but I was excited. I had checked out what kind of smells she typically kept in her bathroom before I bought her stuff for the show. Hell, I even went out and got her some lady products. Yup. I’m that excited about it.

This was different for us.

Well, we’ve stayed the night along together before but never at my place. I’ve been waiting for her to stay here for a while. This might sound a bit crazy so I’m not going to mention it quite yet, but I feel like this would be a better test run for us living together than our stay at Mike’s because in the event of us moving in together, we would live here, not Mike’s. I want her to get a feel for waking up by my side in my apartment.

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