Chapter 65

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***Emma’s POV

After the concert we headed back to the bus to find Matt, Ian and Brett sitting around watching a movie in the front lounge. They immediately sat up as soon as we walked back in.

“So how was it?” Matt asked as soon as we were both in the bus.

“It was a lot of fun! Some people actually let us cut in line so we got really good spots.” I smiled at Josh while remembering Josh’s dorky romantic act that got us there.

“Did anything exciting happen?” Ian asked.

I giggled a bit at the odd question, “Well I almost got picked up for crowd surfing. That was pretty exciting.”

“That’s it?” Matt asked while giving Josh a quick glance.

I looked behind me at Josh but he just started walking towards the fridge before I could see his face. I looked back at Matt confused but he just gave me some odd wide eyed awkward stare. The guys are so weird when they’re on tour. Maybe they just forgot how to interact with women? I have no idea.

I checked the time on my phone and saw it was already about ten thirty at night. I still had to drive home because they were leaving tomorrow. Actually, they were leaving at about two in the morning.

“When’s Mike supposed to get back?” I asked when I noticed he still wasn’t on the bus.

“He’ll probably be here in about forty-five minutes. He just left his apartment not too long ago.” Brett said while checking his phone.

“I should probably head out too then.” I sighed.

“You don’t have to.” Josh put his hands on my waist. “You could stay a bit longer. I could ask for a detour and we could bring you back.”

“Babe,” I whined. “I can’t leave my car here.”

“Damn.” Josh hung his head for a moment before snapping it back up. “Brett! Brett could drive it back behind us!”

“Josh, Brett’s not in charge of that. It’s really ok, I’ll just go ahead and head out.” I smiled at his persistence.

Josh sighed in defeat, “I’ll walk you to your car.”

I gave everyone goodbye hugs before I grabbed my backpack of clothes and Josh followed me out of the bus to walk me to my car not too far away. He took my hand in his as soon as we exited the bus and just smiled at me. We walked in silence for moment before Josh decided to speak up.

“I’m really glad you came.” Josh said while lightly swinging our hands between us.

I smiled up at him, “I’m really glad you invited me to visit. I kind of like touring on this end.”

He definitely had the way more exciting part of this relationship but he was actually talented so it makes sense. I really wouldn’t mind coming along more often but that wouldn’t be fair to Katie and I’m sure the guys like it being a girl free zone.

“Yeah, it’s pretty great.” Josh nervously chuckled.

I stared at him a moment, “What are you thinking about?”

Josh just smirked to himself before looking at me, “You just amaze me.”

I giggled, “What?”

Josh chuckled and shrugged, “Nothing. Just thinking.”

I could tell that wasn’t actually what he was thinking about. He seemed jittery and I felt a nervous tension between us. What was going on?

Once we reached my car, Josh swiveled me around so I was facing him but stood there awkwardly.

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