Chapter 22

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***Mike’s POV

It had been about a week since Josh got all of us to do a surprise show for Emma at work. Since then, the two were inseparable. Matt, Ian and I started betting on when he was finally going to ask her out.

“Hello!” Emma sang as she walked through the door with a bag in her hand. She had just gotten off work and seemed very cheery.

“Hey!” I smiled at her. “Someone seems pretty chipper. Good day at work?”

She grinned even bigger now, “You could say that.”

She skipped to the couch and jumped on the cushion next to me.

“Guess what?” she grinned.

Her smile was so contagious, I swear. I chuckled, “What?”

“I have a date tomorrow!” she squealed as she hugged me.

“Wow! That’s great, Em!” I said hugging her back. I guess Josh finally grew some balls and asked her.

“I know!” she was ridiculously excited. “He seems really great.”

Oh so it wasn’t Josh.

Crap. It wasn’t Josh.

“I thought you said you didn’t want to bother with guys for a while?” I thought Josh would be the only one she could change her mind for.

“Yeah, I know.” She bit her bottom lip. “But that was when I thought I could never get a date with someone who wasn’t Jake.”

“So what’s his name?” I asked.

“Brad. He came into my store today and I helped him out. He was a lot of fun, really charming and he gave me his number.” Emma was on cloud nine. It was really amusing to watch.

“Have you told Josh about it yet?” I was curious to hear his reaction.

“Not yet. It like just happened.” She said casually as she got up from the couch to get a water bottle from the fridge. “I was going to call him when I got here.”

She came back from the kitchen and sat next to me. I really didn’t want to have Josh possibly lose it over the phone. I pulled out my phone and shot him a text.

Incoming bad news for you.

“You know what? I think he’s been in the studio almost all day. You should text him instead.” I suggested.

She smiled, “Alright! I’d hate to accidentally interrupt him if he’s really working on something.”

She pulled out her phone and started going through her contacts. My phone vibrated with Josh’s response.

What? Is it about Emma?

Emma put her phone down in between us on the couch. The screen flashed “sent” and I just hoped for the best now. There was about a minute delay and I waited to see who he’d text first.

Looks like I’m the winner.

I opened his text to me.

What the fuck man?!

I sighed internally (I didn’t want Emma to know I was texting him) and replied.

Dude, calm down before you reply. She’s really excited. I told her you were in the studio so you can take as long as you want to reply.

I waited a few minutes before I figured he wasn’t going to reply back to me. I looked at Emma.

“Any word yet?”

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