Chapter 7

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As soon as I got to my hotel room, I rushed to my laptop. I logged onto facebook and quickly changed my account so I could facebook message from my new phone instead of my old phone. This would make talking to Jake and Katie so much more convenient. While I was doing that, Katie opened up a chat with me.

Katie: Hey! Jake and I are mad at you!

Katie: Why didn’t you show for our Skype date? L

Me: Are you with Jake right now?

Katie: No, he’s working.

Katie: Don’t avoid my question!

Me: Facetime?

It didn’t take long for her at all to pull up the video chat. Man I missed seeing her face every day!

“Katie! I miss your face!” I said almost immediately.

She smiled back at me, “I miss you too! Now tell me why you stood us up!”

I laughed, “You’re not going to believe this.”

She smiled and cocked an eyebrow at me, “Oh? Try me!”

“Well…” I said as I started playing with the hem of Josh’s shirt. “You’ll never guess who I ran into yesterday at work.”

Katie just stared and waiting for my answer.

“Don’t freak out, but…” I bit my lip and paused for suspense. I just love messing with her.

“Spit it out, Emma!” she said impatiently while fighting a smile. She already had a clue that it was about a boy.

“Josh Ramsay came into my store.” I said.

There was about a two second delay before Katie started squealing and clapping on her video.

“No way! No freakin way! Shut up, Emma!” she was ridiculously excited. This is exactly why I didn’t want Jake around. He wouldn’t understand and wouldn’t give me the enthusiasm she would. I just laughed as she continued to freak out.

“I’m so serious!” I smiled. “That’s not even the best part!”

She just about died, “Tell me!”

“I hung out with him and the rest of the band last night and he had me stay the night at his apartment because he didn’t want me driving while drunk. He also gave me one of his shirts!” I pulled at the shirt to show her the shirt fully.

She started screaming again, “What? That’s so crazy! Oh my gosh, Emma! You are so lucky! So are you guys like buddies now or was this like a one time thing?”

“I think we’re actually friends. He went with me to pick out a new phone and gave me his number.”

Katie cut me off, “Shut up! He did not! Oh my gosh! You can actually call and text Josh Ramsay of Marianas Trench? Get out!”

This is why I love Katie.

“So am I forgiven for missing our date?” I pouted.

“On my end, yes. I completely forgive you. I’m sure Jake will too just because he can’t be upset with you. It’s just against nature.” She assured me.

I laughed because it was so true. Jake and I never really fought. Every now and then we’d have a bit of a tiff but he would always get over it and apologize to me.

“Oh!” I just remembered. “I just switched my messenger to my new phone so you can now kind of text me through facebook. I don’t know how much longer I can stand not being able to text you and Jake whenever I want.”

She frowned, “I know! We’ve missed you so much! We’ve kind of just been hanging out once we’re both off work because we both feel kind of pathetic.” She laughed.

“Aww, don’t do that!” I said feeling a bit guilty for having fun. “You guys can still have fun without me!”

A sly grin curled on my face.

“Speaking of,” I said coyly. “What’s new with you and Jake?”

I don’t think she’ll ever admit it but I swear she has feelings for him. She can deny it all she wants, I know what I know.

She smiled and rolled her eyes, “Oh my gosh, Emma. Was that why you moved away? So you could set Jake and I up? There were way better ways to try that.”

“Oh so you want to be set up with Jake?” I twisted her words and got her mixed up.

“What? No. I never said that!” she stammered. She gained some confidence as she said, “That’s your man, not mine.”

I wrinkled my nose at the camera.

“No. He’s just my friend.” I said.

“I think you constantly pushing him on me is your way of denying your feelings for him.” Katie said smugly.

I laughed, “I can assure you that’s not what’s going on. I just really think you guys work well together.”

She gave me a look, “Mmhmm, sure. I’m sure that’s it.”

We both laughed and she became a bit more serious.

“But come on, Emma! Do you really not see that Jake’s like in love with you?”

This was always about the point where I got annoyed. Jake was just my friend. He had no romantic feelings towards me and I had none towards him. That’s how it was and that’s how we liked it.

“Katie, be real. We would never work.”

She sighed and sensed my frustration.

“Fine.” She raised her hands in defeat. “What about Josh?”

I felt my face get hot at just the mention of his name.

“What about him?” I asked.

“I know it sounds super cheesy, but do you think that maybe you guys were like meant to be or something?”

I laughed but secretly hoped it was true. I played it off cool.

“Why would you say that?”

“Well, you meant them by accident two years ago, you guys kind of kept in touch over the years, he recognized you when we saw them here, and he happened to walk into your store while you were working. There are a lot of coincidences here!” she was getting excited.

I had to admit, I like her thinking.

What was I talking about? I couldn’t let something like that get to my head! If I start getting my hopes up then I could be crushed to find out if she was wrong. No. When she was wrong. I refuse to let that happen.

“I think all we’ll ever be is friends at most. I mean, come on, Katie. He’s in a pretty popular rock band and I’m just some fan he keeps running into. I think they’re all just being really nice and we click well.” I felt like this explanation was mainly for my benefit, not hers.

She frowned a bit, “Maybe you’re right.” My heart sunk a bit. “But!” yup, that’s more like Katie. “I will continue hoping for the off chance that I’m right and you end up happy!”

She smiled big at me and I couldn’t help but smile back.

“Aww, thanks, Katie! I love you!”

“I love you too!” there was a crash on her end of the video.

“Uh oh, I think my cat just broke something. I’ve got to go. I’ll talk to you later! I miss you!” she said to me.

“I miss you too! Tell Jake I said I love and miss him too!”

She rolled her eyes and laughed, “Like he doesn’t know that. Bye!”

She hung up and I just sat there staring at my screen for a bit. I missed home. I missed Katie and Jake. I don’t know if I can have as much fun here without them.

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