Chapter 59

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***Emma’s POV

Waking up in Josh’s arms after such a long night was amazing. As usual, I was awake before him. I decided to get up and start searching his kitchen for some breakfast for us. I missed being able to cook for him. While I was helping with the wedding, I didn’t really spend a lot of time with Josh because I stayed with Katie as long as I could when I wasn’t at work to get things worked out. There honestly wasn’t a lot to work with so I decided on making some French toast for us.

While I was hunting for a clean pan I heard music coming from another room.

Cause you’re my best friend

And I love you (I love you)

Yes I love you (love you)

Yes I do

My ringtone for Katie was “Best Friend” by Weezer because it just seemed fitting. I hurried to the door where I left my bag and began rummaging through it until I found my phone.

“Hello?” I quickly answered before it cut off to voicemail.

“Emma!” She practically yelled which caused me to jump. “Where have you been?”

“What are you talking about?” I asked quietly as I made my way back to the kitchen and checked the time. “It’s nine in the morning.”

“Really? Sorry, I forgot we’re two hours ahead over here.” Katie said.

“You guys are in Austin?” I asked while hunting for a clean pan.

“Yeah, we decided we should see family down here before the honeymoon. I’d hate to be further into this pregnancy and trying to walk around in the heat! I would die!” Katie laughed.

I heard Mike mumbling in the back ground and it sounded like she was in the living room of her parent’s house because I heard other voices too.

“Right!” Katie said suddenly. “Where were you last night? You disappeared before I could say bye or thank you for everything you did!”

“Gah, Katie, I’m so sorry!” I said while I face palmed myself. I totally forgot to tell Katie bye last night or at least text her. “Josh and I had a fight and a lot of stuff happened.”

“Oh my gosh! Are you guys ok?” I imagined Katie sitting up and Mike’s mumbling confirmed it. She just shushed him.

“Yeah, yeah, we’re fine.” I said while finally unearthing a clean pan and bowl for mixing.

“What happened?” Katie asked.

“Don’t you have family to hang out with?” I asked.

I could just picture Katie waving my words away, “They’re all cooking and Mike refuses to let me do anything so I’m stuck on the couch. Talk.”

I sighed and mumbled, “Brad showed up at your wedding.”

“What?” Katie screeched so loud I had to pull the phone away from my ear.

I heard Mike’s voice now which means Katie probably moved suddenly and frightened Mike.

“Katie, what’s going on?” Mike asked.

I imagined Katie shrugged him off, “How the hell did Brad end up at my wedding?”

Right. No one but Josh and Matt knew about me hanging out with Brad before the wedding. Jake only knew who he was in general and that I needed Matt to pick me up that night.

“Well,” I dragged out sheepishly as I grabbed some eggs from the fridge and starting digging through Josh’s spice cabinet. “I kind of ran into him when I was ordering flowers for your wedding.”

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