Chapter 31

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***Mike’s POV

Jessica was really friendly but I felt she was a little too much of a fan. I enjoy talking to fans, don’t get me wrong, but I also just like having normal conversations not related to the band or work. She seemed to do a lot of probing based off that. I saw a window of opportunity open when I heard a scream.

“Put me down!”

I recognized it as Emma’s voice so my head immediately shot in her direction, ready to do anything. I then saw Matt carrying Emma over his shoulder over to the side of the table where Josh was laughing. As soon as he set her down, Josh’s arm wrapped around Emma and I saw she wasn’t upset or anything. She was a good sport when it came to things like that. She was just so tiny. We loved messing with her.

“Is that normal or something?” Jessica laughed while watching Emma on the other side of the table.

I kind of shrugged, “I guess so. We just love to pick on her.”

I looked over and noticed that Katie was now at the bar by herself. I doubted Emma was going back for her and I wasn’t sure if Katie was at the point where she would invite herself back over.

“Katie!” I called and waved her over. “Come over and join us!”

 “Thanks!” She smiled as she brought her drink over and sat next to me.

I put my phone in my pocket to make room for her drink.

“So have we scarred you at all yet?” I joked.

“Yes. Terribly. I don’t think life will ever be the same again.” She said sarcastically.

She sounded so much like Emma sometimes it was ridiculous.

“Yeah, well sometimes we do that to people.” I laughed.

She laughed, “No, but seriously, it’s going to kind of suck going home after this.”

“Why do you say that?” I asked.

“Emma has something great going on here. I didn’t realize just how much I missed her until I saw her today.” She looked over at Emma and Josh and smiled. “Things are really working out for her though. She deserves it.”

I smiled at the sight of them too. I wanted what they had. Emma was such a great person to have around. Josh was extremely lucky to have her. I just can’t believe that guy’s luck sometimes. How on earth did he get her? I guess girls tend to be drawn to him because he’s the lead singer. Him and Emma work well together but I still have to admit there’s still a small crush there, which sucks because guys aren’t supposed to be into their band mate’s girl. I live with her and get to see her all the time; that should be enough for me.

I noticed Jessica was glancing back and forth between me and Emma and Josh. It was kind of weird but I think she’s still trying to take in that she was hanging out with us and Emma was actually dating Josh. I don’t mean to sound full of myself but it seems to be a normal reaction from a fan. Emma was even like that the first time we met her.

It’s so crazy to think how things played out. Her running into us was just a fluke after a show but I guess it always starts with her coming up here. It sounds crazy but it’s like she was meant to be here. Now she’s bringing all her friends into our lives. All her female friends. That’s not something I have a problem with and I’m sure Matt and Ian would agree with me.

We’re all young and single, I’m sure if Emma’s friends are anything like her then they’ll fit in just fine with us.

“So are you and Emma pretty close?” Jessica smiled. Something seemed off about it but I just couldn’t place it.

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