Chapter 44

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***Josh’s POV

Emma was fine when she was at my apartment. I think it was just a stomach bug but she seemed very chipper.

“Do you know what the surprise is?” she asked as she set down her bag in the bathroom.

“Nope, Mike did this all on his own.” I called out while I put her Sprite in the fridge.

“I’m dying from anticipation!” Emma called out dramatically and I chuckled.

I made my way towards her. She was unpacking her hair products and clothes onto the bathroom counter. I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my chin on her head. She looked up at my reflection in the mirror and giggled.

“What?” I smiled.

“You.” she smiled back.

“What about me?” I asked.

“You make me feel so tiny sometimes.” she said.

“Is that a good or bad thing?” I asked.

She shrugged, “Good sometimes. I like the fact that you like tower over me. It makes me feel safe when you hold me like this.”

I got an idea and a devilish grin.

“Really? What about when I do this?”

Before she had time to react, I swept her off her feet and threw her over my shoulder. She began to scream and giggle while I ran towards my bed.

“Put me down!” she squealed.

I laughed, “Feeling safe now?”

“You’re such a butt!” she giggled. “Let me go!”

“As you wish!” I said as I placed her on my bed.

She started laughing, “You’re such a dork sometimes.”

She pulled me in for a kiss. When we broke apart, she smiled at me.

I started getting off the bed, “Alright, now you need to go get ready.”

“Oh come on!” she hit the bed with her hand. “I just forgot about the surprise!”

“It’s worth the wait, I promise.” I smiled at her.

She sighed dramatically, “Fine! I’ll go shower and make myself presentable.”

I watched her as she left my room with a smirk. Damn I loved that girl.

I continued to do little things like that while Emma was getting ready to try killing some time for Mike to get Katie back to Emma’s place. When Mike finally texted me saying he was on his way back from the airport, I decided to leave Emma alone some.

“Is this what it’s going to be like when I get ready at your place?” she asked me while doing her makeup.

“What do you mean?” I asked as I fixed my hair beside her.

“Well you’ve calmed down some, but will you constantly be interrupting me?” she smirked at my reflection.

I smiled at hers, “This is the first time you’ve gotten ready here. This is exciting and different for us.”

“I’ve gotten ready here before.” She said.

“What? No you haven’t.” I said.

“Uh huh, it was my first night hanging out with you guys. I woke up in your bed alone with a hangover.” She scrunched up her nose.

I completely forgot about that.

“That doesn’t count, I wasn’t here for that.” I pointed out. “This is the first time we’ve been together in the morning at my apartment. Better?”

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