Chapter 15

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***Mike's POV

I figured I had given Josh and Emma enough time to hang out by themselves so I decided to head back to my apartment to join them. I was bored out my mind anyways since almost all my friends wanted to sleep the day away.  As I got to my door, I pulled out my headphones and walked in to find Josh sitting by himself sulking on the couch with the TV on.

Emma was nowhere to be seen. “Hey, what’s going on? Where’s Em?”

Josh didn’t even look up at me, “She locked herself in her room and won’t come out.”

“Dammit, Josh! What did you do?” I cursed as I walked over to her room.

He didn’t move and I’m sure he wasn’t even looking this way. I walked up to her door and knocked on the door.


I heard stuff being moved around in the room, most likely her getting up off the floor. She had a habit of falling asleep on the floor when she was upset.

“Can I come in?”

“Yeah.” She said quietly.

I opened the door and sure enough, she was curled up in her blanket on the floor with her laptop.

“You ok?” I knew that was a dumb question.

She pulled a hand through her bangs, pulling them from her face, “I’ve been better.”

I closed the door behind me as I went to sit beside her.

“What happened?” I asked as I put my hand on her back.

“Well, Josh knows about me living here now and exploded on me for not telling him. He also thought we were secretly dating.” She seemed worn out. Fighting seems to take a lot out of her, which is no surprise. She seems like she can hold her ground if needed but it’s not in her to go around trying to cause problems.

“Yeah, he asked me if we were dating before I left too.” I muttered. “He’s just a bit dramatic sometimes, Em. He doesn’t like being in the dark about stuff, especially about you.”

“Ugh!” she groaned while covering her face with her hands. “Then why was he so mean to me?”

I really didn’t have an answer to that. We all knew Josh could be a dick sometimes. He even admitted to it so we gave him some credit for that.

“Don’t be afraid to call him out when he gets like that.” Was all I could think to say. “Sometimes he needs to know when he’s being a dick.”

She put her head down in her pillow and started trying to talk to me. I had to listen really close to her muffled voice.

“I said some things I didn’t mean.”

This can’t be good. It was enough to make Josh sulk. Then again, he could be a baby sometimes when it came to girls and their words.

“Anything that will affect his work life? Because we kind of need him.” I joked.

She pulled her head up and sheepishly looked at me, “I told him I would date Jake.”

“What? Why?” I was shocked. She didn’t even like Jake like that. I was sure he would definitely go for it if she offered based off his texts and calls to her, but I knew she didn’t feel the same way.

“I don’t know! Josh just pissed me off so much and was like ‘Why don’t you just date Jake?’ so to piss him off I yelled ‘Maybe I will!’”

I couldn’t help but chuckle a bit. He asked for it in all fairness.

“Do you think he totally hates me now? I know he doesn’t really like Jake.”

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