Chapter 58

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***Emma’s POV

I never really imagined Jake and Matt would be such good friends. I guess once the tension was gone between Jake and Josh, everyone else could get along. They convinced me to hand over my car key to them so they could pick it up from the bar and drop it off at Josh’s apartment for me. Once we pulled up to Josh’s apartment complex, my heart began to beat a little faster. Matt pulled up in front of Josh’s building and parked his car.

Matt turned to face me, “Your car should be here in about forty minutes, if things go sour with Josh, it’ll be here. If you’re still scared or upset, don’t hesitate to call Jake or me. We’ll be more than happy to help you out.”

I nodded, “Thanks, you guys. You have no idea how much this means to me.”

“No problem, Em.” Jake smiled as he gave my shoulders a friendly squeeze.

I got out the car and Matt rolled down his window.

“Are you sure you don’t want us to walk you up to Josh’s? You still look kind of pale.” Matt asked.

“No, I’ll be fine but thank you.” I said as I waved to them.

Matt waited until I began making my way up the stairs to drive off. My heart was beating even faster now that I was making my way to his front door. I took in a deep breath before I plunged the key into the lock and turned it to unlock the door.

I opened the door to find a dark apartment. I closed the door behind me and set my bag down before I made my way to the living room where the only light that was on was from the TV he mindlessly stared at. He was still in his dress shirt and pants except the sleeves of his shirt were now rolled up and he didn’t have a tie on. He didn’t look up at me when I first walked in but I don’t know if he heard me come in.

“Hi.” I said quietly.

He still didn’t react. It broke my heart a little but I worked to find my voice.

“I know what I did was stupid and wrong, just please don’t hate me.”

Josh finally looked in my direction and his face suddenly changed. He jumped up from the couch and rushed over me.

“Whose blood is that?” he asked as he examined my face.

“Brad’s most likely.” I said simply.

Josh rushed to the bathroom I followed him.

“Did he hurt you?” Josh asked as he dug through the cabinet before standing up with a washrag in hand.

“No, Jake beat the crap out of him and I’m…” I trailed off once I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

How the hell did Jake manage to get that much blood all over my head? I guess head wounds bleed more than most other types of wounds so it just looks worse than it actually is. Josh ran the rag under the facet for a second before he began wiping off my face. He looked so concerned. No trace of anger on his face. He almost looked hurt.

“Josh, I’m so sorry.” I said quietly.

He didn’t say anything. He just focused on getting all the blood off my face. His eyes hovered on my hair which no doubt had some blood in it too but I guess I’d have to worry about that later. The silence between us was killing me.

“Please say something.” I begged.

Josh began rinsing out the washrag in the sink.

“What do you want me to say?” he asked while focusing on the rag.

“Anything. How stupid I was. How mad you are at me. How you’ll never trust me again. Anything.” I said.

Josh turned off the facet and looked up at in incredulously.

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