Chapter 4

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“So where’s your friend?” Opal, one of my new coworkers, asked me as she brought over a pile of shirts for us to fold.

She was watching us when Josh came in earlier.

“He should be here soon.” I said nonchalantly. I don’t want people to think anything of our friendship. I mean, we barely knew each other, there’s no reason for rumors around the work place.

“How long have you guys known each other?” she asked.

Opal was pretty cool. She was probably around thirty-five with jet black hair and short straight across bangs. She definitely looked the part of working for high fashion but was very kind to me. She knew of the band and thought they were good, but they weren’t really her thing. I thought it would be nice to have someone who is an objective third party around for anytime I possibly wanted to talk about life or what might happen with the guys.

“Well, I met them about two years ago when I went to one of their shows here. Last year I saw them again but back home.” I explained. “And I just happened to run into him today, so I guess you can pick what technically counts.”

“So you guys actually haven’t actually seen each other much?” she asked while folding a shirt.

“Not really. We’ve tweeted to each other off and on throughout the years but that’s about it.” Then I began to talk more of to myself than her, “Seeing him today actually surprised me, which doesn’t make sense because I knew him and the guys lived here.”

“Is that why you moved her?” Opal asked with an eyebrow raised at me.

“No.” I said quickly, maybe too quickly because she gave me another look. “A little, yes. I’ve dreamed of moving to Canada since I was in like fifth grade just because all my favorite bands were from here. Although, I’ll admit I originally was thinking of going to Toronto or Montreal, but I visited Vancouver and fell in love with it.”

“Probably won’t be the only thing you fall in love with.” Opal said quietly.

I looked up from my shirt folding to look at her when I realized what she was referring to, or I should say who she was referring to. I could see Josh approaching our glass doors looking for me.

“It’s not like that.” I said quietly so he couldn’t possibly hear.

“If you say so.” Opal said as she picked up the newly folded pile of shirts and walked away as Josh got closer.

Josh walked up to the counter where I was standing with a smirk on his face.

“What?” I asked.

“Why are you blushing?” he asked, his smirk was turning into a grin.

“I’m not blushing.” I said turning to get out from behind the register and to try to get my face to cool down before I faced him again. Josh tried to fight back his grin which made me want to smile but I fought it too as I walked past him. “I’m not blushing!”

“Whatever you say, Texas.” He said while following me.

We headed to the store to start looking for phones.

“You know that they’ll need billing address, right?” I asked him as he was fiddling around with a blackberry.

“So?” he asked, not looking up at me.

“So,” I guess he forgot. “I still don’t have a permanent address.”

He looked up at me then back at the phone, “Oh right. Yeah, just put down mine.”

I gave him a puzzled look, “Um what?”

He looked up me like it was no big deal, “Give them my address. Just make sure you pay the bill.”

He went back to playing with the phone and I gave a big smile. He looked back up at me, “What?”

“Nothing.” I smiled. I hugged him, “Just thank you.”

He laughed, “No problem. Now what do you think of this one?”

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