Chapter 8

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“I love all the men’s clothes we get here. I don’t understand why someone wouldn’t just date me for my discount alone.” I said while organizing some new men’s shirts and ties we just got in.

Josh laughed at me while examining one of the ties. He and I had been hanging out for the past couple of weeks quite a bit. Him visiting me at work was pretty normal now.

“I’m serious!” I said. “My next boyfriend has to let me dress him up in these clothes.”

“Em, I think you should date people who like you for more than your discount.”

I laughed, “Yeah yeah, I know. That’s not the point though! I would love to get these things but I have no one to get them for. Jake doesn’t like these clothes and my dad would never let me pay this much for him.”

It was really disappointing because I got a really good discount and these clothes looked fantastic!

“Well if you really want to get these so bad, you can always just buy them for me.” Josh said smugly. “You know I actually wear this stuff.”

“Um no.” I laughed as I put some shirts on a shelf.

He began to pout, “Why not?”

“Because then you would never wear normal clothes and someone like you can’t look fabulous all the time.”

He laughed this time, “Someone like me? What’s that supposed to mean?”

I gave him a look, “We both know how ridiculously good looking you are. It’s not fair to the rest of the world, including me, if you can’t look kind of normal every now and then. Especially if I’m almost always at your side, then I’ll look even more out of place.”

I tried saying this while my back was turned to him and I pretended to be trying to find a place for the tray of ties. I didn’t want him to possibly see me blush. I wanted to just seem cool and casual about it, not crazy.

“Aw, Em!” I felt his arms wrap around my waist. If I wasn’t blushing then, I certainly was now. “I promise you that you aren’t the one who looks out of place when we’re together. I have fucking blue in my hair.”

We laughed at he let me go.

“Oh! Speaking of dressing up!” he said. I turned around to face him since I was sure my face was better now. “We, the band, are having dinner tomorrow night with some guys from the record company. Want to come?”

I was shocked. Was this some kind of joke? “Um are you sure you want me to?”

He looked a little unsure now, “Do you not want to go with me?”

“Oh no, no, no, no, no!” I said quickly. “I didn’t mean it like that! I just don’t know why you would invite me.”

He relaxed some and smiled, “Why wouldn’t I invite you? Are you too cool for me?”

I laughed at the thought. As if I could be too cool for him.

“Alright, so I need to dress up?” I asked to confirm I was going. I didn’t want to under dress and embarrass him!

“Well, I’ll be wearing a tie if that helps.”

“Josh, you wear ties with skinny jeans and converse. That doesn’t help me much at all.” I laughed.

“They never complain about the way I dress so I think you’re good.”

“So I should wear a tie and skinny jeans too?” I smiled.

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