Chapter 5

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We walked out the store and Josh immediately stole my phone.

“Hey!” I started in protest, trying to grab for it back.

“What? Do you already have something to hide?” he smirked.

“No, but you have your own phone.”

“I know.” He smiled at me. “I’m just trying to make sure you can reach me on my phone.”

I waited as he put his number into my phone and he handed it back with a grin. I took my phone suspiciously.

“What did you do to it?” I asked, still not looking away from him.

“Nothing.” He said casually.

I continued to stare at him.

“What?” he laughed.

“Nothing.” I said back fighting a smile. I’ll figure it out eventually.

I changed the subject, “So where to?”

Josh took his phone out his pocket, “Well,” he glanced at the screen. “I think we were planning on meeting up at eight so we’ve got some time to kill. You hungry?”

“Um I guess so.” I wasn’t really paying attention. I just realized that I was starving since he mentioned it.

He laughed, “Well alright. Let’s get some food! We’ll definitely need it before we go out tonight.”

“Go out? What were you guys planning?” I asked.

“Probably just go chill at a bar or something. I don’t drink but I thought you might want to with the guys.” He said but quickly added, “If you’re old enough, of course.”

I scrunched my nose at him, “I’m old enough.”

He just laughed, “If you say so. I just don’t want to go to jail because I let a minor drink.”

“Hey! I’m just a couple years younger than you!” I’ll admit, people generally think I’m younger than I actually am because I’m a bit on the short side. Josh definitely towered over me. We must’ve looked strange walking together. I then blushed at the thought of me walking with him.

“Again with the blushing!” Josh said while bending down some to see my face more clearly as we walked. “Is that your ‘tell’ for lying? I won’t judge.”

“I’m not lying!” I blushed even more because he noticed. “I was just remembering something.”

“Suuurrrreeee.” Josh winked at me. “Thinking about something dirty?”

I felt my face get even hotter. “No!” I quickly said.

Josh started laughing and shook his head. Had I said that too quick or too loud?

“I’m just messing with you.” He chuckled.

We arrived at a local restaurant and waited to be seated.

“So, how’s life been going for you?” he asked.

That caught me off guard. “Ok, I suppose. How about you?”

“Can’t complain. But come on, tell me about it. I mean, you just moved hundreds of miles away from home and happened to befriend me of all people.”

I laughed, “Oh, is that an honor or something?”

“Yes. One of the highest ones here in Canada.” He smiled.

“Oh well thank you for gracing me with your presence, oh great one.” I said and did a little curtsy.

He just laughed and the hostess brought us to our table. He pulled out my chair for me. I put my hand over my heart dramatically.

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