Chapter 39

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***Emma’s POV

This has been one of the most miserable weeks in my entire life. I never got around to talking to Mike because I didn’t want him to see me like this and it was too much to type out through chat. I missed him so much. I needed a big bear hug from him. Jake just wasn’t the same for me anymore. Sure, I loved him still but I needed Mike. This fact only made me cry harder.

I was going to have to leave Mike behind for someone I used to be close to. It wasn’t fair. I shouldn’t have to give up my best friend because my boyfriend decided to leave me for another girl.

My ex boyfriend.

I began to cry again. That hurt so bad to think.

I was lying on the floor curled up in blankets not wanting to move when Jake knocked lightly then let himself in. Usually he would wait for a reply but we all knew I wouldn’t answer and I wasn’t moving from this spot. He sat beside me and started playing with my messy hair.

I’ll never understand why him and Katie continue to touch my hair in times like these. It was unbelievably tangled and looked terrible. It made me self conscious even though I couldn’t control the fact I had curls.

“Hey, Em, there’s an open mic night tonight at my friend’s coffee shop. We should go.” Jake said while still playing with my hair.

“I don’t want to.” I moaned.

“I don’t care.” Jake said while standing up. “You need to get out of the apartment and I know you like music so we’re going.”

I looked up at him and sighed, “When is it?”

“You have an hour to get ready.” He smiled as he left the room. He peeked his head in not a second later, “Make yourself presentable.”

“Shut up and get out of my room.” I scrunched my nose up at him. He laughed and closed the door.

I sat up on my bed and looked at the room around me. I still hadn’t unpacked any of my bags. I guess I was just prepping for my return where I had to decide whether or not I wanted to leave permanently. Seeing Mike would make me want to stay. I miss him already. It’s weird living with Jake. We’re still really good friends, but I can’t say he’s my best friend anymore. Things have changed. I’m probably closer to Mike than I am to Jake.

That thought made me want to cry. Vancouver changed everything for me. I wouldn’t be able to stay there without missing Austin and stay away from Josh, but I couldn’t stay here because I would miss the guys back in Vancouver. It’s like my heart was divided. I hate to say it, but Vancouver was home now. Austin will always have a special place in my heart, but I don’t think I could stay here.

I loved seeing Jake and Katie every day, but not like this. I can’t just come back and expect things to be like they were when I left.

Maybe this is what I need though.

Maybe I just need to move on.

No. I’ve done enough crying. I made myself stand up and I walked over to my suitcase for a change of clothes. Unfortunately, I couldn’t seem to find anything I was looking for so I just dumped all my clothes on the floor.

“There. I’m unpacked.” I mumbled to myself as I stared at the pile.

I began picking through my clothes when something caught my eye. I pulled a piece of cloth from under the stack and held it up so I could see it. It was the most recent shirt I stole from Josh. I couldn’t help it; I pulled the fabric in and smelled it. It still smelled like him.

I felt my heart breaking and tears started spilling from my eyes.

Why the hell did I miss him so much? He chose Jessica over me. He didn’t love me like I loved him. He’s never told me he loved me, I don’t know why I didn’t see this coming. He could do so much better than me. He could have any girl he wanted. I honestly couldn’t have expected him to stay with me.

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