Chapter 11

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***Mike's POV

Man, nothing gets me out of bed like coffee. I threw on a t shirt, jeans and Converse and shuffled down the block to the nearest Starbucks. As I was waiting for my order, I looked around for a place to sit and saw a girl sitting alone in the corner hunched over her computer. Is it too early to strike up a conversation? I looked at my phone and saw it was around 9 am. Not too bad. Why not?

I started walking over and saw that she was actually resting her head on her arm and was asleep. Maybe I should wake her up? I wouldn’t want to be asleep in a public place.

“Excuse me?” I gently touched her shoulder and she jumped (and I’m not going to lie, it scared me a little too).

Then I realized that I knew her.

“Emma? Why are you sleeping here?” I laughed.

“Oh hey, Mike.” She yawned. “Jake wanted to talk to me and the time zones are all weird. I was Skyping him and I guess I fell asleep.”

“Late night last night?” I winked at her. I knew her and Josh hung out the night before so I had to mess with her.

She smiled and shook her head, “Not at all. I just don’t sleep well anymore.”

“Careful, if you hang out with Josh too much, you may start acting like him.” I joked.

“I highly doubt that.” She smiled. “If anything, he’ll start to sound like me. I’m pretty contagious.”

I chuckled, “I see his ego has gotten to you.”

“I am not cocky like him. I’m just stating a fact.”

“Are you sure his cock hasn’t gotten to you?” I winked again. Her face was priceless.

“Mike! Oh my gosh! No!” she covered her face in embarrassment and I just laughed.

“Coffee for Mike!” a barista called.

I got my coffee and went back to Emma’s table, “So what are you plans for today?”

“Just chill I guess since I’m off today.” She gestured towards her oversized t shirt. It was definitely different from her work clothes. I think it was actually one of Josh’s old shirts.

“Want to just come over then?” I suggested. “I’ve got nothing going on until later today.”

“Umm…” she grabbed at her hair and looked at all her stuff on the floor.

“I can help you carry your stuff to your car if you want.” I said while bending down to pick up her hoodie.

“It’s ok!” she suddenly said while snatching up the rest of her stuff from the floor. “I’ve got it.”

I guess she noticed the surprise on my face and quickly explained, “Sorry. I just am used to just doing everything myself. I don’t take help well.”

I chuckled, “Alright, whatever works for you. I’m always willing to help you out, even if it just means I pick up a jacket for you.”

I handed her jacket to her and she mumbled “thanks” before walking towards the door. I walked ahead and held the door open for her to prove my point. She smiled at me, which was a sign she understood what I was trying to say. She started walking towards her car and realized she didn’t know how she was going to unlock and open her car door.

“Need help?” I asked smugly.

She sighed, “Yeah.”

I walked over to her and she handed me her jacket and her laptop. She started digging through her bag in an effort to find her keys. I chuckled to myself. I put her laptop on the roof of her car, through her jacket over my shoulder and took her bag to hold it open for her. She smiled a tired smile at me and found her keys almost immediately. She started putting her stuff away and I glanced into her car.

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