Chapter 18

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Josh and I decided to go back to Mike’s apartment. I felt ok to face Jake again but I wasn’t sure how he was feeling towards me. I mean, you don’t just runaway from a guy after he tells you he’s in love with you. That can really screw someone up. I wanted to give him a bit more time before I tried talking to him.

I still don’t know why Josh’s face came to mind when he told me that. I think the inner fangirl in me is still hoping that Josh would tell me those words one day.

That would be ridiculous though. Why would he tell me that?

You can’t deny that there’s something there.

Maybe. What if I wasn’t the only one who felt that weird tension when we were together? What if the guys made jokes about us because they knew something I didn’t? What were the chances that Josh would walk into my store and actually befriend me? We just worked so well together.

No. I can’t think like that. Josh said I happened to work in one of his favorite stores. I moved to his hometown. So what if I got along with Josh? A lot of people do. We’re both just friendly people.

Mike was playing around on his bass when we walked into the apartment. He looked up and smiled at us.

“Hey guys.” He greeted us before going back to his guitar.

“What are you doing?” Josh asked while making his way towards Mike.

“Just playing around with a couple of ideas for the song you showed me yesterday.” Mike nodded towards his laptop on the table in front of him.

“Sweet!” Josh sounded super excited. “Let me hear it!”

I made my way to the kitchen while they talked music. I grabbed myself a water bottle and just leaned against the counter for a bit. I was still trying to take in what Jake told me versus what I was feeling.

Why do emotions suck so bad?

I sighed and made my way back into the living room. Josh was now lounging on the couch messing around on Mike’s computer while Mike continued to play his bass. I sat next to Josh and put my head on his shoulder. He looked down on me and smiled.

“Well hey there.” His smile was so gorgeous.

I smiled back but didn’t say anything. That’s one think I liked about Josh; we wouldn’t have to talk all the time in order to be comfortable.

He smelled so good. Every now and then I feel like I need to pinch myself because this seemed too good to be true. I would always decide it was best that I didn’t though because I liked this dream too much to leave.

“I think I’m going to go change into lazy clothes.” I said as I got up from the couch.

The guys didn’t say anything while I went to my room. I closed my door behind me and started playing some music on my laptop. I always tried my best not to listen to their music when they were around because I thought it was a little embarrassing. They hear it enough because they’re Marianas Trench.

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