Chapter 12

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It was super sweet of Josh to insist on walking me back to my car. I honestly wouldn’t have minded if I went by myself. Hanging out with Josh was definitely different from hanging out with Mike or any of the other guys. For one, I wasn’t ever really nervous around them. Josh always gave me butterflies and I get anxious anytime I know I’m going to see him.

I also think I build this weird tension in my head anytime him and I are alone. I always keep waiting for him to hold my hand or something, which is ridiculous. Sometimes I even feel like we should kiss. I blushed at the thought and was very thankful it was dark outside so he couldn’t see.

“I like my shirts on you.” Josh said while pointing to my oversized band shirt.

I giggled, “Thanks. They’re part of my lazy clothes collection.”

“My clothes aren’t good enough to be a part of your normal every day fashion line?” he asked, pretending to be offended.

“Not at all!” I said. “I usually dress way better than you!”

He laughed, “You dress just like me!”

I just laughed with him.

“Hey!” He looked like he suddenly had an idea. “Let’s play twenty questions!”

“Why?” I giggled.

“Do I need a reason? We’re friends and I want to learn about you.” he said simply.

“Alright, are you just questioning me then? Or are we going back and forth?” I asked.

“We’re going back and forth. That counts as your first question.” He said.

“What? No!”

“That’s two. Don’t be selfish, Emma!” he said.

I lightly elbowed his arm.

“Hey! No need to get violent, Texas!” he said while trying to dodge me.

“Just ask me something, Canada.” I always felt dumb calling him that. Somehow “Texas” just fit me. “Canada” didn’t fit him as well.

“Ok! Hm…” he put his finger to his lips as if he was thinking. “Got it! What is one thing you miss most about home? Besides people.”

“Hmm… that’s a good one. I don’t know.” I had to think about that one. “I think I would have to say I miss downtown Austin.”

“Why?” he asked with a smile that made me blush a little.

“Well, it just oozed with art. You’ve been there. One of the greatest things about being downtown is hoping you’ll see Leslie.” I laughed to myself.

“Who’s Leslie?” he asked with a little laugh like he was a little nervous to know.

“Leslie is the cross dressing hobo downtown that runs for mayor or something like every year. He’s kind of one of our monuments.” I laughed.

“That’s interesting.” Josh laughed. “When you say ‘cross dressing,’ do you mean…?”

He trailed off.

“Like bikinis and thongs. Not even joking.” I laughed.

“I wonder if he’s related to Ian?” he laughed to himself. “Ok, next question! Favorite parent.”

“Mom. No doubt about it.”

“Hmm… do you like surprises or would you rather have something planned?”

I thought about it for a moment, “It depends.”

“No, you have to pick one or the other!” Josh said.

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