Chapter 27

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***Mike’s POV

We still liked doing little secret club gigs every now and then. It was definitely a change of scenery and brought back memories of our beginner days. I noticed a guy had been eyeing Emma since we arrived at the club. He looked about our age so he wasn’t a creep but he still didn’t look good, especially because Josh and Emma just made up. Josh’s window of opportunity with her is slowly closing before my eyes. Generally when we went out places with her, I always liked to keep an eye on her. After living with someone for so long and having a band mate in love with her, I’ve become very protective over her.

He finally made a move when we were all busy setting up. I purposely started working as close as I could to them without looking suspicious.

“Are you in the band?” he smiled at her.

She turned and smiled at him, “No, just another fan waiting for them to start.”

She never made a big deal about knowing us. It was really nice.

“You’re pretty early then.” He chuckled. “Want a drink or something? Unless you would rather just stand here watching them set up.”

She laughed, “Sure. That sounds a bit more exciting.”

They walked off just as Josh happened to look up from unraveling some cables. It was very plain to see that he was shocked and a bit jealous. He dropped the cables and walked out mumbling to himself. Tonight should be interesting.

Matt and Ian looked at me confused; I just nodded towards Emma at the bar with the guy. She was laughing as the guy handed her a drink. We all knew this meant Josh would probably mope for the rest of the night.

During the show, Emma was standing off to the side so other fans could stand closer to us on stage. I could see her singing along but I could also see her chatting with the guy off and on during the show. I noticed Josh kept glancing over but would look to the complete opposite side of the club to try removing her from his line of vision. His eyes would always eventually go back to her. He always went back to her.

As soon as we finished the show, Josh hurried to put his guitar back in its case. Within the time he was gone, the guy brought Emma back over to the bar area and ordered her another drink.

The next thing I knew, Josh was making his way down to the bar too.

“Oh thanks you shouldn’t have!” Josh said as he took Emma’s drink from her hand and put his arm around her shoulders.

The guy looked a bit surprised. Emma just casually said, “Austin, this is Josh. Josh, this is Austin.”

Josh ignored him and continued talking to Emma, “You may want to be careful, Emma. I don’t think Mike will want you coming home drunk.”

Austin looked at Emma shocked, “Mike? Who’s Mike?”

Josh cut in, “Her roomie. He’s great. He’s right over there. Wave hi to Mike over there! Hey, Mike!”

Emma looked stunned. “Oh my gosh, Austin, I’m so sorry. He isn’t usually like this.”

“No, it’s cool.” Austin looked uncomfortable. He started walking away, “I’ve got to go. Nice meeting you, Emma.”

She gave a small wave and then turned to glare at Josh. He smirked at her and asked, “What?”

She took his hand off her shoulder and walked away. He stood there looking confused and looked at us for help. We all just kind of shrugged and went back to packing up.

Emma waited patiently while we finished loading up the van and remained quiet for the car ride to Emma’s and my apartment. We had originally planned on all hanging out after the show since Emma and I both lived there but at this rate, it seems like it would be awkward. She would probably either lock herself in her room or just sit as far from Josh as possible and he would probably mope.

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