Chapter 43

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***Mike’s POV

Emma was better for the rest of the night and hung out with us. She still didn’t touch any of the food or beer because she didn’t want to risk it upsetting her again. It was probably around two am when Ian and Matt left. Josh decided to stay the night just in case Emma got sick again.

When I got to my room, I decided to check on the twitter page. As soon as I logged in, I saw I had some missed messages from Katie. She happened to be online so I just video called her while I started scrolling through our fan’s tweets.

“Hey!” she smiled at me when she appeared on my screen. “I’ve been trying to get a hold of you and Emma all day.”

“Yeah, I know, I’m sorry.” I rubbed my eyes. “It’s been a long day.”

She looked concerned, “Is everything ok over there?”

“Emma was just sick all day starting at around three in the morning.” I explained.

“Really?” Her eye brows lifted in surprise. “Emma’s like never sick. I always tell her that she needs to share her immune system with me.” She laughed.

I gave a small chuckle, “She couldn’t keep anything down for a while. She finally started looking better a few hours before she went to bed. Josh is here.”

“Is that normal? Like, I know he stayed a night while she was staying at Jake’s.” Katie asked.

I thought about it, “Ehh to a degree. Like, Josh used to sleep here on occasion along with the other guys before Emma moved in. Right after she moved in, he didn’t stay over very often and if he did, he slept on the couch. Ever since they got back, if he stays over he’ll sleep in her room.”

“That’s so weird.” Katie said. “I mean, Emma’s the ‘good one’ out of the two of us. She has the whole mindset of no sex before marriage.”

“Yeah, I remember her telling me about that.” I said.

“I wonder if they’re honestly doing anything then because Emma’s pretty stubborn and set in her ways when it comes to that stuff.” Katie said.

“Well I don’t know.” I shrugged. “You said it yourself, Emma’s never sick and now, about six weeks after she got back from Texas, she’s puking everywhere.”

“Do you really think it’s morning sickness?” Katie asked in shock.

“Possibly. The guys thought the same thing too without me explaining anything.” I said.

“Huh.” Katie said while biting her lip while she was thinking about all this. “Have any of you asked her about it? Or has Josh said anything?”

I shook my head, “Not really. We all made morning sickness jokes and she denied them.” I suddenly remembered something. “Oh wait! I remember talking to Josh while Emma was in the shower right after they got back. He said he was glad he went to Texas because they were now on –and I quote ‘whole new level’ with each other.”

Katie squealed again, “No way!”

Her enthusiasm cracked me up. I shushed her and she giggled.

“Sorry. I just get excited about these things. Looks like that’s something I’m going to have to ask her about. Oh!” she looked like she just remembered something. “Did you tell anyone else that I’m coming up there again? Or is it still a surprise for Emma?”

I put my hand to my forehead, “Dang it! I could’ve told her that as a pick-me-up today!”

Katie laughed, “It’s fine. I love surprising her. I just hope she’s feeling better by the time I get there.”

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