Chapter 29

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***Emma’s POV

The rest of my afternoon with Josh was fantastic but I was really anxious and excited to get back to the apartment so I could Skype Katie. I hadn’t mentioned to the guys that she was coming yet, I kind of wanted to just say it like once so I wouldn’t have to repeat myself.

As Josh and I entered the apartment, Mike suddenly closed his laptop and looked at us slightly surprised. I stopped and stared at him suspiciously but Josh had a different approach. He busted out laughing.

“Oh, Mikey. Did we walk in on you doing something dirty?” Josh said while trying to calm down.

Mike looked at Josh confused, back to his laptop then at Josh again when he realized how it looked.

“No! It wasn’t like that!” Mike said as he put his laptop on the table. “You just surprised me.”

“Sure, ok.” Josh laughed as he joined Mike on the couch. I started heading towards my room.

“Where are you going?” Josh asked.

“I need to talk to Katie real quick!” I called back as I closed my door.

I jumped on my bed and flipped open my laptop. I was so excited. Thank goodness she was already online! I called her on Skype and was soon welcomed by her smiling face.

“Hey! What’s up?” she asked. I expected her to be a bit more excited but whatever.

“You wanted me to tell you about Josh, remember?” I said.

“Oh!” suddenly her face lit up with the excitement I was going for the first time around. “Right! Tell me!”

I laughed, “You’re like a little excited dog.”

“Yeah yeah, I’m excited, now tell me!”

“Um what do you want to know?” I asked. I suddenly didn’t know where to start.

“Like, how did you guys finally make things official? Did he sing to you again?”

“No, he didn’t sing this time.” I giggled. “It honestly doesn’t sound too spectacular now that I think about it.”

“I don’t care! I want to know!” Katie insisted.

“Well, he and I were fighting right?” I started. Last time we talked, Josh and I hadn’t made up yet.

She nodded so I continued, “Well, I ran into him and we made up. He invited me to one of his shows downtown where I started talking to this guy named Austin-.”

Katie cut me off, “What is with you? You are flirting with Josh Ramsay and yet you still find these other guys?”

“Will you let me finish?” I asked playfully.

She sighed dramatically, “Fine! But I better have your luck when I get up there.”

“Katie, you have Jake.” I said.

She stuck her tongue out at me, “No. Jake and I are just friends. There is nothing going on between us. Don’t try changing the subject!”

“Ok, so Austin hung out with me for the entire show until Josh scared him off by implying that Mike and I were together.” I was cut off once again by her.

“That’s weird. Of all people to choose, you would think he would pretend you and him were together.”

I hadn’t thought of that and giggled. “That is weird. I don’t know. He’s just Josh. Anyways, I got mad at him so we had this fight which ended with me slipping up by saying that I stayed in Vancouver for him and he kissed me.”

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