Chapter 28

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***Emma’s POV

I woke up the next morning in my bed. The first thought in my head was, “Oh my gosh. I kissed Josh Ramsay.”

I smiled to myself and stretched. I crawled out of bed and walked out of my room to find Josh still sleeping on the couch. I was a bit confused because the last thing I remember was falling asleep with him on the couch. I heard some noises in the kitchen so I decided to go in there.

Mike was pouring himself a bowl of cereal at the counter. He looked up at me and smiled.

“Good morning.”

I couldn’t help but smile back, “Good morning!”

Mike chuckled, “Someone is chipper this morning. Get any sleep last night?” he winked.

I was now a bit nervous. Had something happened last night? Wouldn’t I remember something like that?

Mike saw my sudden confusion, “Don’t worry. I know you didn’t do anything. Josh carried you to your room last night after you fell asleep on the couch.”

“Oh ok.” I laughed in relief. “I was very confused this morning when I woke up in bed.”

Then I remembered Josh was still sleeping on the couch.

“Josh stayed the night here?” I don’t know why it came out as a question.

Mike nodded as he chewed a bite of cereal.

“Yeah, he used to do this all the time before you moved in.” he took another bite of cereal.

I guess sometimes I forget how close they are. I don’t really know how I do that.

“Did I steal his room?” I asked.

Mike shook his head while swallowing a spoonful of cereal.

“Nah, he used to try sleeping in there but the couch was better for his insomnia.”

“Oh right.” I said while getting up to find some breakfast.

Hmm… I wasn’t in the mood for cereal. Oh! I should cook breakfast for Josh! Unfortunately, Mike got up just a bit too early. Eh, he’ll probably still eat whatever I make. I decided on French toast.

“What are you going to make?” Mike asked curiously.

“French toast.” I smiled at him as I took some eggs from the fridge.

“Of course you decide to make something after I’ve already started eating.” Mike said while washing his bowl in the sink.

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